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AI artist shows how a cage fight between Musk and Zuckerberg would look
By Oliver Young // Jun 27, 2023

It's still not clear whether the cage fight between tech billionaires Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg will push through, but an artificial intelligence (AI) artist has already visualized what it may look like.

The AI artist with the handle @wild.trance has created images of Musk and Zuckerberg before, during and after the fight. The images include the two fighters smiling, then fighting with their boxing gloves on and then going all in with furious looks and blood splashes on their faces and body.

The two billionaires caught the attention of netizens last week when they essentially agreed to hold a cage fight. It all started when Musk suggested in a tweet that they settle their differences in a cage fight.

Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta, then posted a screenshot of Musk's tweet with the caption "send me location." (Related: Meta's Mark Zuckerberg fires more than 11K employees, takes blame for overestimating company’s growth prospects.)

Musk appeared to seal the deal by responding to Zuckerberg with: "Vegas Octagon."

Octagon refers to the competition mat and fenced-in area used for Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) bouts. The UFC is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Musk, who turns 52 on Wednesday, June 28, also tweeted: "I have this great move that I call 'The Walrus,' where I just lie on top of my opponent and do nothing."

He later tweeted short videos of walruses, perhaps suggesting his challenge to Zuckerberg may not entirely be serious. The Tesla CEO also tweeted: "I almost never work out, except for picking up my kids and throwing them in the air."

But the 39-year-old Zuckerberg might not be joking when he responded to Musk's challenge. He has been training in mixed martial arts (MMA) and has recently won jiu-jitsu tournaments.

Musk is bigger, but Zuckerberg is in better shape

Social media users are now debating who would win the bout, while others have posted memes, including mockup posters advertising the fight.

For example, business consultant Seyi Taylor tweeted: "Choose your fighter" with pictures of the two tech bosses.

Broadcaster and fight sports journalist Nick Peet told the BBC's The World at One program that Dana White, the president of the UFC, would be "licking his lips at the possibility of putting this fight on."

Peet thinks there's a decent chance the fight could actually go ahead, mostly because of Musk's personality and eccentric character. "His career kind of suggests he's not somebody who willingly steps down."

But the sports journalist believes Zuckerberg would come out on top. "He's 12 years younger. He is a lot smaller and Elon's probably got a couple of stone in weight on him. But, unfortunately, Mr. Musk has got no training whatsoever," Peet said.

"Even though Zuckerberg's only been training Brazilian jiu-jitsu for 18 months, it wouldn't be difficult for him to take his back, wrap his arms around his neck and give him a good old cuddle and choke him out."

However, Musk doesn't plan to get in the ring -- or the Octagon -- unprepared. "I haven't started training yet. So, if this does happen, I will," Musk said in a talk on Twitter with Ashlee Vance, the author of a book on Musk and the space race.

Visit TechGiants.news for more news about tech billionaires like Musk and Zuckerberg.

Watch this video that talks about the possible cage match pitting Musk and Zuckerberg.

This video is from the Red Voice Media channel on Brighteon.com.

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