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Peer-reviewed study confirms: Spike in deaths CAUSED BY covid jab rollout
By Ethan Huff // Jun 20, 2023

A letter published in the peer-reviewed journal Medicine and Clinical Science states that the reason why sudden deaths spiked dramatically after the launch of Operation Warp Speed in December 2020 is because of the rapid rollout of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines."

Authors Hagen Scherb of Germany and Keiji Hayashi of Japan looked at the annual all-cause mortality rate in their respective countries between 2005 and 2022, comparing mortality trends across these two "highly industrialised countries, which have large and ageing populations in common."

Japan specifically was a good comparison country because it is one of the few first world countries that allowed its people and medical system to focus more on non-pharmaceutical interventions. Germany, conversely, was much like the United States in that the jabs were aggressively pushed while alternative remedies like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) were demonized and even banned.

It turns out that Japan with its non-pharmaceutical approach saw very little mortality during covid – that is until the so-called "vaccines" were unleashed. By the fall of 2021 after millions of shots had gotten into arms, Japan's mortality rate started to soar.

More people in Japan ended up getting jabbed than in Germany, the study explains. And as a result, Japan's mortality rate spiked dramatically, especially compared to pre-jab Japan.

"Whereas 2020 saw slightly above-trend mortality in Germany, it was a year of below-average deaths in Japan," reported The Daily Sceptic about the study's findings. "[Twenty twenty-one] was elevated but within-trend, while 2022 saw substantial excess mortality, well in excess of the deaths caused by the natural disasters of 2011."

(Related: Studies have also repeatedly found that covid injections are responsible for rampant cardiovascular diseases such as myocarditis and pericarditis.)

In every country where covid jabs were introduced, mortality rates almost immediately spiked

Though Germany and Japan were the focal point of the study, the researchers also looked at mortality rates in other countries. They found that in every case where covid jabs were introduced, mortality rates spiked shortly thereafter – even when deaths from covid prior to that were lower, and in some cases much lower than in an average year.

In other words, deaths during covid before the jabs were introduced were oftentimes lower than normal. Once the jabs were unleashed, however, mortality rates all around the world soared to record highs, proving that the jabs, and not covid alone, are responsible.

"[I]t should be investigated to what extent the about 5-10% highly significantly increased mortalities in Germany and Japan in 2021 and 2022 might be due to the pandemic countermeasures, including the vaccinations with their possibly underestimated immediate or protracted side effects," the paper explains.

"From this point of view, it seems possible that a high vaccination rate has contributed to an increased all-cause mortality in some countries."

The other "pandemic countermeasures" referred to here also include the stay-at-home lockdown orders that deprived children of an in-person education; the face mask mandates that resulted in billions of people breathing in their own exhaled waste; and the so-called "social distancing" requirements, which resulted in many people being unnaturally isolated, which took a major toll on their health.

"The entire success of our genius one-cool-trick pandemic measures exists in a hypothetical world," The Daily Sceptic added about these revelations.

"It is never anything we can see. Deaths in Germany were totally on-trend in 2020, but we're asked to believe they would've been catastrophic without lockdowns. They increased substantially with the advent of mass vaccination beginning precisely April 2021, but we're asked to believe even more would've died without the vaccines."

It is obvious from what has transpired that millions of people died because of covid injections, not covid. Learn more at ChemicalViolence.com.

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