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They’re getting BOLDER: Disney hires GAY PORN star for live-action remake of “The Little Mermaid”
By Ramon Tomey // Jun 16, 2023

The Walt Disney Company reportedly hired an adult film actor who appears in gay pornography for the live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid."

Breitbart Senior Writer John Nolte reported on the move on June 15, citing a report by the Toronto Sun three days prior. According to the Sun, casting directors for the remake of the 1989 animated movie wanted to use "really sexy male models" to portray the mermen in the film. Twenty-four-year-old Stefano Tomadini, who used the screen name Dante Ferrari in adult films, was among those hired.

"Casting bosses decided to hire a number of really sexy male models to play mermen in the movie," a source told the Sun. "They had no idea about Tomadini's racy videos. Given 'The Little Mermaid' is the big summer blockbuster for kids, it's a bit embarrassing for Disney."

According to the outlet, Tomadini's explicit films are still available to watch online, albeit with a fee. The adult film actor was reportedly paid up to £1,000 ($1,283.30) a time.

Tomadini shared a number of behind-the-scenes photos on his Instagram account while "The Little Mermaid" was being filmed at the island of Sardinia in Italy. He tagged Disney in one post, writing "lifetime memories with lifetime friends" in the caption. The said post was later deleted.

"The report claims the hiring was 'accidental.' Still, it wouldn't surprise anyone who knows anything about Disney to discover this was some in-joke among the perverts and child exploiters who now run the Magic Kingdom," wrote Nolte.

"Are we supposed to believe a gazillion-dollar company doesn't run basic Google Searches and background checks of potential employees? Well, maybe the company is too busy scheming to destroy the innocence of children to worry about such things." (Related: Disney set to push more LGBTQ propaganda on children.)

Disney wants gayness to be "part of your world"

The entertainment giant "accidentally" hiring an adult film actor is no surprise, as the company explicitly stated its intent to push more LGBT propaganda on children.

Back in June 2021, Disney hired drag performer Nina West – Andrew Robert Levitt in real life – to participate in an LGBT Pride concert for children. The Disney+ concert titled "This Is Me: Pride Celebration Spectacular" featured West and his fellow drag performer Jackie Cox. Both Cox and West appeared on the reality program "RuPaul's Drag Race."

Aside from the two drag performers, gender-fluid singer Alex Newell and gender non-binary performer Jesse James Keitel also graced the concert. The "This Is Me" concert reportedly featured performances of notable Disney tunes reinterpreted through an LGBT lens.

Almost two years after appearing in the "This Is Me" concert, West later attended the May 8 world premiere of "The Little Mermaid." The drag performer showed up at the premiere held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles wearing a neon green wig and bodysuit, violet lipstick and a dress.

West also cavorted with actress Melissa McCarthy, who played the antagonist in the movie. McCarthy herself admitted that her portrayal of Ursula the Sea Witch was inspired by drag queens.

Nevertheless, Nolte wondered how Disney can confirm that it indeed "accidentally" hired an adult film actor when it has so far refused comment. He also pointed out that the live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid" performed poorly overseas. While the movie grossed $236 million in the domestic market, it only earned a measly $186 million in the international market."

"Worldwide, it's hard to see Disney's latest remake hit $500 million – which means it will lose millions," the Breitbart senior writer stated.

"Disney has long been accused of adding secret sexual messages in its children's movies, a claim I found absurd – until [they] came out of the closet as proud child groomers. Disney is now demonic, a slave to its fetishes, and I cheer every failure and setback."

Watch Lauren Chen explaining how Disney ruined the live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid" in the video below.

This video is from the Pool Pharmacy channel on Brighteon.com.

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Breitbart.com 1


Breitbart.com 2

Breitbart.com 3


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