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Pfizer’s partner BioNTech faces LAWSUIT in Germany for “alleged harm” caused by its COVID-19 vaccines
By Ramon Tomey // Jun 16, 2023

German vaccine maker BioNTech, which partnered with Pfizer to develop an mRNA vaccine against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), now faces a lawsuit over its injection's alleged harm.

According to the Epoch Times, a woman in Germany sued the Mainz-based company over bodily harm that allegedly resulted from being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine. The anonymous plaintiff purportedly suffered from swollen extremities, fatigue, sleeping disorder and pain in the upper body following vaccination. She is seeking €150,000 ($162,120) in damages for bodily harm, alongside compensation for unspecified material damage.

The first hearing in the case was held on June 12 at a regional court in the northern German city of Hamburg. Reuters pointed out that "it is not clear who would pay the legal costs or compensation if the plaintiff wins the case."

Tobias Ulbrich, counsel for the plaintiff, told the outlet he wants to challenge an assessment made by authorities in Germany and the European Union showing that its mRNA vaccine has shown a positive risk-benefit profile. (Related: Lawyers say Pfizer and BioNTech still immune from lawsuits despite full vaccine approval.)

"Many COVID vaccination victims suffer from various symptoms such as pain, anxiety, muscle weakness, fatigue and many others," Ulrich stated on the website of his law firm Rogert & Ulbrich. "For some people, these symptoms are so severe that they are no longer able to work and become disabled."

Meanwhile, BioNTech dismissed the case and insisted that it was without merit. It said, "the positive benefit-risk profile [of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine] remains positive, and the safety profile has been well-characterized."

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) insisted in a recent media briefing that COVID-19 vaccines were beneficial, adding that the injected were estimated to have saved almost 20 million people around the world. It nevertheless admitted that the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine posed the risk of cardiac inflammation, especially among young men. Quoting figures from the EMA, Reuters said 1.7 million reports of suspected side effects following COVID-19 vaccination had been reported by May 2023.

Family of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine murder victim sues Biden admin

The German woman's lawsuit mirrors a similar legal action done by the Watts family against the Biden administration. The family sued the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for engaging in "willful misconduct" through their promotion of the COVID-19 vaccines. These same vaccines killed 24-year-old college student George Watts Jr. in October 2021.

According to the family's lawsuit filed May 31 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the DoD wrongly promoted COVID-19 vaccination by repeatedly claiming that the available vaccines were "safe and effective." The complaint seeking damages also noted that the Defense Department "duped millions of Americans, including Mr. Watts, into being human subjects in its medical experiment – the largest in modern history."

Watts received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine as the college he was attending mandated vaccination for face-to-face classes. He received both doses in August and September of 2021, experiencing side effects following the injections. The college student suddenly collapsed on Oct. 27, 2021 and was pronounced dead upon arriving at the hospital.

Pathologist Dr. Robert Stoppacher performed an autopsy on Watts' body and determined that the college student died of "COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis." California-based physician Dr. Sanjay Verma agreed with the finding after reviewing documents on Watts' case.

Lawyer Ray Flores, an attorney representing the Watts family, told the Epoch Times in an email: "DoD's conduct and the harm caused as alleged within the four corners of the lawsuit speaks for itself. I have no further comment other than to say 'My only duty is to advocate for my client.' If the DoD conveys a settlement offer, I will see that it's considered."

The Defense Department, the Department of Justice and Pfizer all did not respond to requests for comment sent by the Epoch Times.

Visit VaccineDamage.news for more stories about the harms caused by the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

Watch this video about the Watts family's lawsuit against the DoD over the death of George Watts Jr. post-vaccination.

This video is from the Vigilent Citizen channel on Brighteon.com.

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Pfizer appears to have committed fraud, and if it can be proven in court then the company will be liable for ALL injuries and deaths caused by its covid vaccines.

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TheEpochTimes.com 1


TheEpochTimes.com 2


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