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Australia’s covid “vaccine” rollout was secretly headed up by the U.S. MILITARY: report
By Ethan Huff // Jan 13, 2023

All that tyranny we told you about that took place in Australia throughout the covid "pandemic" was headed up, secretly, by none other than the United States military, we now know.

From the initial lockdowns to the mask and "vaccine" mandates, all of it was spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), which embedded its people within the power structure of Australia in order to subdue the nation under tyranny and genocide.

Pharmacologist Phillip Altman and a group of Australian scientists, doctors, and medical academics all claim that the DoD "had a dominant role in the response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in the subsequent development, manufacture, and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines."

Operation Warp Speed, they say, which was proudly unveiled and unleashed by Donald Trump before he was replaced by Joe Biden, allowed the DoD to manufacture the injections rapidly. Those injections, Altman et al. say, designed, owned, and managed all the vials that were plunged into the arms of Aussies, many of whom had no choice but to comply – or else lose their livelihoods and ultimately their lives.

According to Altman and his coalition of experts, the DoD spent billions on "large-scale manufacturing demonstrations" that had absolutely nothing to do with legitimate science. It was all a fraudulent psy-op (psychological operation) designed to generate billions of dollars in new profits for Big Pharma while depopulating much of the planet.

(Related: Following the release of covid injections, Australia's birth rate plummeted by 63 percent, data shows.)

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"The intention was to create the impression that normal regulatory processes were being followed when in reality they were bypassed completely," explains David James, writing for LifeSiteNews.

"Australian governments and regulatory authorities participated in the deception, repeatedly assuring the citizenry that there was sound oversight to ensure safety and efficacy – even when it was obvious that medium term safety was impossible to assess in such a short period and the requirement for repeated boosters showed the injections were not effective for any length of time."

DoD was trying to create aerosolized bat "vaccine" when covid was released from Wuhan lab, Altman says

In a paper he and his team compiled, Altman contends that the DoD perceived some kind of threat to national security – or so it claimed – that was then used to hand all power Down Under to the U.S. military-industrial complex.

"... all decisions from that point onward to the present day were subject to full command and control from them," Altman and his allies claim. "Many adverse consequences have been the outcome of this secret military response to the public health matter."

The paper goes on to suggest that covid did, in fact, come from a U.S. military-aligned laboratory in Wuhan, but that it was originally being tampered with in an effort to create an "aerosolized bat vaccine."

EcoHealth Alliance was directly involved, which is also now widely known, and taxpayer funding from the U.S. was funneled into the project, via Tony Fauci and his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which was taking place on communist Chinese soil.

Project Veritas also confirmed back in August of 2021 that EcoHealth, thanks to revelations made by Maj. Joseph Murphy, a Marine Corps officer working for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), was involved in creating this "deliberately virulent, humanized, recombinant SarsCov that was to be reverse engineered into a ... bat vaccine."

All in all, it is now known that the U.S. military-industrial complex is directly responsible for unleashing covid, as well as plunging most of the world into a new normal of medical fascism and tyranny.

As covid "vaccines" continue to kill and destroy, we will keep you informed of the latest at ChemicalViolence.com.

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