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Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves BOTH parties are prostitutes to pharma and the central banks
By Mike Adams // Dec 21, 2021

Trump's public speech on the vaccine has become indistinguishable from Fauci's. In a recent event in Dallas, Texas, Trump sat next to Bill O'Reilly and bragged about taking the booster shot, adding that all Trump supporters should "take credit" for Operation Warp Speed and how Trump managed to shorten the vaccine approval and development time from 5-12 years to less than one year.


Trump did that, of course, by skipping all the necessary clinical trials, producing a deadly covid jab that has now killed an estimated 800,000 Americans (and counting).

Trump completely ignores this mass death across America and scorns his own audience, telling them, "Don't mock the vaccinated." He seems utterly tone deaf to the reality that it is the unvaccinated who are being condemned, mocked, fired from their jobs, kicked out of restaurants and arrested in places like New York.

Trump now appears to be completely isolated from real America, showing zero understanding of the kind of totalitarian nightmare unvaccinated Americans are currently living through. Trump is completely out of touch with his own support base and the struggles they are facing due, in large part, to Trump selling them out to Big Pharma and the Federal Reserve.

Trump further condemns his own supporters, telling them that if they doubt the vaccine, "You're playing right into their hands." Whose hands? The hands of the pharma cartel that Trump enriched with Operation Warp Speed?

But Trump has made a fatal mistake in all this, and it looks like this will end Trump's remaining popularity among real Americans: His supporters aren't brain dead zombies like Biden supporters, and Trump voters think for themselves. Which means they see right through this charade and have come to realize that it is Trump who is playing into the hands of Big Pharma.

Just like Biden, Trump supports endless money printing and claimed a bubble stock market was a "good economy"

While Republicans chide Biden's multi-trillion dollar deficit spending "stimulus" gimmicks, how quickly they forget it was Trump who launched the first covid stimulus helicopter money initiatives. The massive money creation didn't stop there, either: Under Trump, the Federal Reserve ran huge "quantitative easing" programs which are nothing more than money printing schemes to prop up banks and the markets, literally printing money to buy assets and prevent a market collapse.

Trump deceived the American people and claimed the rising (bubble) stock market was a "great economy." But it was all fiat currency money printing, backed by nothing. In fact, from a real, technical point of view, stock market fundamentals collapsed during the Trump presidency, but he kept the market on life support with money printing that continues to this day. The market has been reanimated like a zombie. It's now a zombie market dominated by zombie banks and zombie corporations.

The one thing all that money printing did accomplish, however, was breeding inflation. Once Biden took over the White House with the rigged 2020 election, the Federal Reserve increased the mad money printing to the tune of trillions of dollars. The resulting economic catastrophe -- runaway inflation and dollar devaluation -- is the result of both Trump's and Biden's absurd economic policies that will prove to be ruinous to America.

On money printing and vaccines, in fact, Trump and Biden have nearly identical policies. They both want to inject every American with deadly mRNA / spike protein injections, and they both want to inject endless money printing, helicopter money and low interest rates into the economy, furthering accelerating market bubbles that will one day burst, causing extreme catastrophic fallout. (Trump even wanted the Fed to go negative on interest rates!)

So when Democrats complain today that inflation in 2021 is Trump's fault, there's not totally wrong. Trump's support of money printing and stimulus handouts did, indeed, contribute strongly to inflation under Biden. But Biden worsened the situation with his own debt spending and stimulus handouts. Now, we are looking at runaway inflation for years to come... and quite possibly the collapse of the dollar currency at some point as the money printing machine reaches insane levels of desperation.

The vaccine die-off will be blamed on Trump

Trump appears to be clueless about how he's likely to be criminally indicted and prosecuted for crimes against humanity as the vaccine die-off accelerates. It was Trump who ordered the FDA to look the other way while vaccine manufacturers skipped the clinical trials that are typically used to determine product safety. Trump pressured Pfizer and Moderna to rush the vaccine at any cost under Operation Warp Speed, and the result is that they produced vaccines which are killing and maiming people in record numbers.

The VAERS reporting system (HHS) now shows over 20,000 deaths attributable to covid vaccines. The Under Reporting Factor (URF) has been well established through several analysis methods to be around 40. This means the real number of Americans killed by these vaccines is 20,000 x 40 = 800,000. (And those numbers are conservative.)

This means Trump's rushed vaccine has killed nearly a million Americans. Yet Trump celebrates the vaccine and claims, without any evidence whatsoever, that without the vaccine, "tens of millions" of people would have died. Seriously? From a flu strain that has a near-100% survival rate in most age groups?

This is the same Trump who said, in February of 2020, that the pandemic was nothing and would magically disappear by April of 2020. But now, when the vaccine is killing nearly a million Americans, he claims that without it, tens of millions would have died.

And through all this, Trump still can't bring himself to recommend vitamin D. Or zinc. Or quercetin. The Dr. Zev Zelenko protocols work, you know. Florida's State Surgeon General has the courage to tell the truth and urge people to take vitamin D and eat well, but Trump can't even bring himself to say that. Every wonder why?

Trump now sounds exactly like Fauci, a true criminal against humanity. And we wonder if Trump and Fauci will be prosecuted together as co-conspirators when the international war crimes tribunals finally get under way. It was Trump, after all, who kept Fauci in power and placed him in charge of America's pandemic response. Trump could have fired Fauci at any time, and he could have ordered the FDA to focus on vaccine safety rather than speed. But all Trump cared about was propping up the bubble stock market, then claiming the bigger the bubble, the better the economy. That was his entire re-election plan in a nutshell. Pump and dump. Pure theater.

At some point, we expect this vaccine holocaust to be exposed. The script will be flipped. Once that happens, Trump will be blamed for the entire thing, as he was the one who directed the FDA shortcuts and Big Pharma rushed schedule to start injecting people with experimental medicines backed by no evidence of safety or efficacy.

And Trump himself has fallen right into the trap. By the time the globalist media is done with all this, it will be Trump who is labeled the modern-day Josef Mengele, not Fauci.

In the mean time, we all suffer under Trump's inflation (now Biden's inflation) and accelerating die-offs as we head into the dark winter that Joe Biden promises will be filled with "death" for the unvaccinated.

It's starting to feel like Trump and Biden are playing for the same team, isn't it?

That's probably because they are.

It's all theater, folks... Republicans vs. Democracy, red vs. blue, right vs. left... both parties pursue nearly identical policies of mass death, enslavement and the total financial looting of America. The only real difference is that Democrats like to rape children, while Republicans prefer to rape their own supporters.

Full details in today's Situation Update podcast, which pulls no punches. I have run out of patience waiting for Trump to come to his senses. America needs to look elsewhere.


Find a new podcast each day, along with interviews, special reports and more, at:


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