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Claim: Haitian president assassinated for investigating Bill Gates’ covid patents
By Ethan Huff // Jul 09, 2021

There is growing speculation that Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated because he was actively investigating the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patents owned by billionaire eugenicist and mass murderer Bill Gates.


The situation is messy and somewhat convoluted, involving many of the usual criminal suspects: Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Jeff Bezos, to name just a few.

In case you missed it, the Pentagon recently ripped a $10 billion "JEDI" cloud-computing contract away from Microsoft and gave it to Amazon instead – with Bezos conveniently resigning as Amazon's CEO just one day prior.

As Bezos' personal wealth soared to over $211 billion, Pelosi was busy shifting around her stock holdings to likewise profit from the shift in government funding from Microsoft to Amazon.

Around this same time, Dutch investigative journalist Peter R. de Vries was gunned down in Amsterdam – de Vries having been one of the world's most accomplished reporters.

de Vries helped uncovered astounding details about the 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy, linking his murder to both the CIA and the FBI.

"De Vries spent two weeks in Texas meeting with former CIA and FBI officers, as well as Lee Harvey Oswald's ex-girlfriend," reports explain.

"But the most curious and talked about part of the documentary was the interview with James Files, a convicted felon, who claimed to be the assassin who killed the president on that dark day."

At the time of his murder, de Vries was actively investigating Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as their corrupt "non-profit" organization and its involvement in hatching new vaccine strategies for children.

de Vries was also drawing attention to Gates' Event 201 exercise, which simulated a global pandemic mere months before the Chinese Virus was officially launched.

What was de Vries on the verge of exposing?

de Vries expressed alarm over the fact that Bill Gates and his cronies were rolling out a new Fauci Flu app that violated people's medical privacy rights.

"Privacy is a very sensitive thing," de Vries said at the time. "We should not focus on the positive effects and see what it means for the future."

"The privacy watchdogs rightly say, 'where does this begin and where does it end?' In my profession, telephones are also used for tracing ... and it is already the case that a harmless app like a pedometer is used extensively in solving murder cases ... and of course it was not designed for that."

Immediately after raising these concerns, the app in question just so happened to "leak" all kinds of private information about de Vries', exposing him and making him vulnerable.

de Vries also made extensive inquiries into a top-secret meeting of the billionaire elite that was held in Idaho. At this meeting, criminals like Jack Dorsey schemed up new strategies for enslaving humanity under the guise of fighting a "pandemic."

"It's basically like the Bilderberg meeting for media and since tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and YouTube have become major players in the media industry, they all come together each year in Sun Valley trying to make sure no emerging platforms can threaten their power," reports explain.

Around this same time, de Vries made contact with Moise for reasons that are still unknown, and not long after his life was ended. What was de Vries up to that resulted in him being brutally murdered with five bullets to the head?

"Another one of Satan's operatives, both him and Soros," wrote one of our own commenters about Bill Gates.

"The only pandemic going on right now is fear politics to sell toxic vaccines and reduce the population around the world," wrote another.

More related news stories can be found at Conspiracy.news.

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