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Watchdog site launched in North Carolina to help whistleblowers expose radicalism in K-12 schools
By Nolan Barton // Apr 23, 2021

Education First Alliance, a North Carolina education advocacy group, launched the watchdog site Schoolhouse Shock on Monday, April 19, to help whistleblowers expose radicalism in K-12 schools.


Parents can anonymously upload in the site videos, photos and documents from their child's class to catalog critical race theory-based lessons being taught in schools.

"Our new statewide whistleblower program, Schoolhouse Shock, will add to our toolbox in the fight against the onslaught of racially inflammatory and sexualized curriculums that children are being immersed in all over North Carolina," Sloan Rachmuth, Education First Alliance president, said in a statement.

Rachmuth, an investigative reporter, established Education First Alliance in January. The nonprofit group opposes the use of anti-American ideologies like critical race theory and antiracism in classrooms and pushes "for the equality of dignity and of opportunity for all K-12 students." (Related: Cornell law professor launches database that lists universities teaching "racist" critical race theory.)

"Asking children to solve, or suffer the punishment for, previous generations' injustices is not only irresponsible and ineffective, it is a continuance of that same injustice," the group's mission statement reads.

In its blog, Education First Alliance charted the rise of critical race theory in education; reported the nine-week-long "Culturally Responsive Teaching" training that instructed teachers to "disrupt" the education system with critical race theory and documented a series of tweets in which James Ford – a North Carolina state education board member handpicked by Democratic Governor Roy Cooper – lauded anti-Semitic preacher Jeremiah Wright.

The organization uncovered documents that instructed North Carolina public school teachers to ask students about their sexual orientations and more. It revealed that middle school students in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district were asked about their sexual preferences. In addition, it also revealed that sixth-graders at Innovation Academy, a school south of Raleigh, were given a survey that asked students to count the number of genders and sexual orientations they believe exist, as well as whether they believe the gay community deserves rights.

NC Board of Education adopts curriculum standards built around critical race theory

The Education First Alliance has called out issues stemming from the radical curriculum standards adopted by the North Carolina Board of Education in February that are built around critical race theory. This theory posits that American economic and political systems are inherently racist.

North Carolina's education board began revising the state's K-12 history curriculum in 2019. Early drafts of the standards called for teaching students as young as kindergarten terms like "systemic racism" and "gender identity."

Under the standards passed in February, second graders will learn how various indigenous, religious, gender and racial groups advocate for freedom and equality, while students in fourth grade will learn how revolution, reform and resistance shaped North Carolina. Meanwhile, high school American history students will learn to compare how some groups in American society have benefited from economic policies while other groups have been systematically denied the same benefits.

Critics, including North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, say the politically charged standards undermine students' education.

"To say that this is a racist nation – that is not true," said Robinson, the first black lieutenant governor in North Carolina. "And when we write standards that point to that direction in any way, we are doing our students a disservice."

Groups formed to combat indoctrination and radicalism in classrooms

Robinson created the Fairness and Accountability in the Classroom for Teachers and Students (F.A.C.T.S.) task force last month to give students, teachers and parents a "voice to speak out about cases of bias, inappropriate material or indoctrination they see or experience in public schools."

In a statement posted on his Facebook page, Robinson said F.A.C.T.S. would be made up of education professionals.

There's also a national, nonpartisan organization launched last month to provide resources – including a tip-line and instructions for filing public records requests – to parents who want to protect their child's education from "activists promoting harmful agendas."

The Parents Defending Education (PDE) trains parents how to put schools and officials on the spot, gain media attention, get involved with school boards and other oversight bodies and make sure the school knows there will be consequences for indoctrination and radicalism in classrooms.

It is led by founder Nicole Neily and journalist Asra Nomani, who previously wrote for the Wall Street Journal.

"PDE empowers parents by educating them on their children's rights in the classrooms, how to document abuses and extremism and how they can begin exercising influence and oversight with their school," the nonprofit membership organization said in a press release.

Critical race theory training activities in federal agencies

Critical race theory has also penetrated federal agencies. In September last year, the Trump administration sent out a memo calling on federal agencies to cease funding any staff training activities that focused on white privilege and critical race theory. (Related: Trump seeks to end "critical race theory" brainwashing in federal agencies.)

The memo stated: "All agencies are directed to begin to identify all contracts or other agency spending related to any training on 'critical race theory,' 'white privilege,' or any other training or propaganda effort that teaches or suggests either (1) that the U.S. is an inherently racist or evil country or (2) that any race or ethnicity is inherently racist or evil."

According to the memo, such training sessions amount to "un-American propaganda." It added that this kind of training perpetuates misguided views and contributes to racial division.

Follow PoliticalCorrectness.news for more news and information related to the radical indoctrination of students in schools.

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