Growing up, I was a gymnast and did a lot of different workouts which involved using my own body weight as resistance. Once I became unable to do gymnastics due to injuries and my body’s inability to keep up, my fitness routine started to go through an awkward phase. I was used to working out as a team, with multiple people doing the same workout as me, pushing each other to do “one more.” So naturally, I turned to yoga and Pilates.
Yoga and Pilates are both a classroom environment and both use your own body weight as resistance, which were my requirements for remaining interested. But finding out which practice would truly meet my needs would require some research, and time in the field.
Both practices are focused around strength, flexibility, and healing. Pilates focuses on the rehabilitation of the body, and utilizes core muscles. Yoga is a mentally therapeutic workout which uses the entire body, and involves a large amount of meditation.
According to an article titled “Yoga vs. Pilates: Which One is Right for You?” published by, “. Exploring spirituality is a huge part of yoga practice, especially through meditation. While Pilates focuses on creating an understanding that the mind and body are connected and how this can help in everyday life, yoga focuses on the mind/body/spirit connection.”
If you have a specific fitness goal, such as losing weight or toning up knowing the difference between yoga and Pilates is very important. Though both are effective for losing weight if you give it enough time, one practice may be more effective for you than the other.
An article titled “Yoga vs. Pilates: How to choose the right discipline for your needs” published by The Globe and Mail says if you’re trying to lose weight, “Choose flow yoga classes, machine Pilates classes and/or mat-Pilates classes that include strength-building props such as weighted balls.” This should be done along-side your regular cardio routine to be most effective.
If you want to simplify and de-stress your life, or de-clutter your mind, yoga is definitely for you. With exercises focusing solely on meditation and mindful breathing techniques, it is a surefire way to silence the noise in your mind that everyday life can bring.
As for me, I have found that the only way to meet my own specific physical/mental goals is to practice them both! Days that I need to relax and find peace, I do yoga. Days that I feel I need a more intense workout, focusing more on strength and physical results, I turn to Pilates. Both are extremely beneficial in many ways, and just may bring you a sense of balance in your life that you never thought possible.
Courtney, Living. – Living naturally, creating awareness, and making things simple. (n.d.). Retrieved from //
Yoga vs. Pilates: How to choose the right discipline for your needs – The Globe and Mail. (n.d.). Retrieved from //
Yoga vs. Pilates: Which One Is Right for You? | ACTIVE. (n.d.). Retrieved from //
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