When you have a lot to think about, to reflect on, to contemplate, and to plan for, you need a clear head and a stable heart. The last thing you need at these times are chemicals racing through your blood, unnaturally changing your body chemistry, manipulating your true feelings, making you worry about simple fixes, and clouding your vision, keeping you from the best life you can have, every day from here on. You may be able to diminish and possibly eliminate your post traumatic stress disorder. You need natural remedies, and they’re out there, you just have to know where to look. (//www.naturalnews.com/044276_herbal_cures_ethnopharmacology_traditional_Chinese_medicine.html#ixzz3yZXfzape)
When you serve your country and you work hard, you deserve the best, in pay, rewards, awards, and you deserve the cleanest food, water and natural medicine on the planet–for all times–for when you’re healthy, for when you get a little sick, for when you want to BOOST your MOOD, or just to help you get motivated, for workouts, for work, for being a huge part of your family’s happiness. Sometimes its just a spouse or a child, or sometimes it’s just YOU, but you have to give your body what it wants, what your organs, your heart and brain want, and that’s clean food, not artificial ingredients, and no crazy flu shots that contain mercury and formaldehyde, no cigarettes that contain pesticide and ammonia, no crazy medications advertised on TV with side effects that include feelings of suicide.
The last thing your body and mind want to encounter are insecticides (sodium fluoride in tap water) and herbicides (Roundup on and inside nearly all conventional produce) mixed in your digestive tract, that screw up immunity, that lower IQ, that breed confusion, that brew central nervous system disorders, that fuel depression, that heighten anxiety, that conjure fear, that exacerbate self-doubt and low self-opinion, that stir guilt, and that lead to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Best thing you can do for PTSD is avoid chemical consumption
There is an easy way to quit chemicals altogether–learn where they are, eliminate them from your daily intake, and keep up with natural news. Simple. Read a little, remember what you read when you go to the stores, to buy water, food and personal care products. Remember, no chemicals on your skin, hair or nails either. No chemicals for your teeth. No chemicals injected into your body for hoaxes like swine flu. No burning chemicals in your house–and that goes for toxic candles. No spraying toxins around the house or bathrooms, like those cheap air fresheners. No spraying toxins on your yard or near the garden, like toxic pesticides and Roundup weed killer. No more fast food!
Never, ever eat or drink anything with artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame.
And last, but not least, stop smoking naturally, without medication, and end the smoking nightmare once and for all. Your life will be so beautiful and perfect when you stop ingesting chemicals. Just wait and see!
Without further adieu … here are your NATURAL REMEDIES:
Addressing cancer, immunity and vitality:
Hemp Seed Oil: (//www.cureyourowncancer.org).
Hemp Protein: (//www.tropicaltraditions.com).
Oil of Oregano (wild oregano oil): (//www.naturalnews.com),
Spirulina and Clean Chlorella: (//www.naturalnews.com)
Maca and Mucuna*: Raw food expert and world traveler/speaker David Wolfe is an authority on maca and mucuna. Watch these YouTube videos for great information: Maca: (//www.youtube.com).
*Also see: Mucuna Pruriens: (//www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIVwil2TN8Y).
Garlic Cloves: (//www.alternative-cancer-care.com).
Licorice Root: (//www.mountainroseherbs.com).
Burdock Root: (//www.whyfoods.com).
Medicinal mushrooms: Check out Reishi, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Shiitake and Chaga to boost immunity and fight cancer cells — everything from brain cancer to breast cancer. What more could you ask? (//www.yummly.com)
Vitamin B complex helps balance the central nervous system too! Learn more: //www.naturalnews.com/044276_herbal_cures_ethnopharmacology_traditional_Chinese_medicine.html#ixzz3yZXfzape
Additional source:
Visit the home page for the world’s leading stop smoking program
There’s a natural aid recommended by doctors, nutritionists, and athletic trainers
14AndOut–Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days!
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