Sweating is a form of detoxification and there may be no better place than the sauna! There’s not really an …
It’s a mental quit first. Get your mind in gear. Get it ready. Get it wrapped around the notion that …
Firesafe? Fire safe?? Really? Fire safe cigarettes create even MORE lung damage. The real rationale for the creation of fire …
Have you tried this new scam, Zonnic nicotine gum? Guess who it’s made by? Yep, Reynolds American Inc is the …
Put on your complete HAZMAT suit and step slowly and carefully … into the mad, mad world of the domestic …
One Major Purpose: Whatever your belief system, religion, creed, or culture – your body is a beautiful, amazing, masterful machine …
Hello, smokers around the world. Big question: If half a million dollars in cash was on the table and you …
The following are breaking revelations and cures for ending cigarette addiction and controlling your weight. Invaluable research has been done …
While solving a routine technical problem, stopsmoking.news got in touch with a woman who works for Paypal security (we’ll refer …
Way back in 1865, a man named Washington Duke, who lived on a 300-acre farm in Raleigh, North Carolina, hand-rolled …
Neither the pill, the patch nor the scary CDC commercials say ONE THING about a smoker’s critical need to replenish …
So we looked for news on cigarettes lately–nothing. Of course, just Google the word cigarette and e-cigs populates everywhere. Electronic …
Nicotine is MORE addictive than cocaine, morphine, heroin or alcohol – affecting BOTH sides of your brain. You see, on …
According to Natural News, in the United States, cancer statistically now strikes half of all men, and a third of …
No smoker in the world wants to hear other people telling them they should quit smoking, and how smoking is …