10/31/2016 / By newstarget

Yesterday, we reported that the FBI has found “tens of thousands of emails” belonging to Huma Adein on Anthony Weiner’s


10/28/2016 / By newstarget

The FBI will reportedly reopen its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server after learning of “the existence of emails that


10/24/2016 / By newstarget

Hillary Clinton’s shady Mr. Fix It will tell all on TV tonight, just days after his explosive confession in The


10/24/2016 / By Don Wrightman

White House records show that Robert Creamer, a key operative in a Democratic scheme to send protesters to cause disturbances at


10/20/2016 / By Don Wrightman

A new report, released by the Center for Public Integrity, shows the vast majority of politically active journalists have donated


09/11/2016 / By newstarget

In early May, we introduced readers to Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst who uncovered financial discrepancies at General Electric


09/07/2016 / By Mike Adams has just launched a high-impact new White Paper called The Hillary Files. You can download it instantly and read


09/05/2016 / By newstarget

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lost several mobile telephones carrying e-mails from her private server during her time in


09/05/2016 / By newstarget

Documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation reveal that Hillary Clinton told the agency she could not recall


08/24/2016 / By Mike Adams

It is now abundantly obvious that if America is to survive as a nation of law and order, Hillary Clinton



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