Given the sexual harassment allegations engulfing Judge Roy Moore, the GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, it is interesting to recall the reaction of most liberals to Bill Clinton’s misconduct in and out of the White House. For many Democrats, the tawdry behavior was irrelevant and just about sex.
While the 42nd president’s escapades were minimized, Juanita Broaddrick is on record accusing Clinton of raping her in a Little Rock hotel room when he was a candidate for governor of Arkansas, a story that the mainstream media buried. As president, Clinton pandered to the far-left feminist constituency and positioned himself, as his wife did, as a champion of women’s rights, which may be why he received a pass.
During the 1992 presidential campaign, most media outlets ignored allegations by Gennifer Flowers that she had a 12-year relationship with candidate Clinton. After a protracted legal struggle, Clinton entered into an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones in her sexual harassment lawsuit, and his law license was suspended for five years. Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her in the Oval Office. Democrats and their media allies mostly ridiculed Jones and ignored Willey. Dolly Kyle recently published a book about her long affair with Clinton. Over the years, the names of other women involved with “Slick Willie” have also surfaced.
“Of course, many liberals and Democrats stood by Mr. Clinton despite the allegations because they agreed with his policy stances and did not want to reward those on the other side,” the New York Times observed.
The Daily Wire recalls that Clinton enjoyed the support of his coalition even after impeachment proceedings were launched attendant to his false statements made under oath about his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Despite this, Democrats applauded Clinton after his impeachment and portrayed him as the victim of “politics of personal destruction.”…
What is even more disturbing about the hypocrisy of the media and the Democrats is that they claim to support women and encourage victims to come forward, even as Bill’s accusers say Hillary tried to silence them.
Some 20-plus years later, Democrats may or may not be changing their tune, particularly against the backdrop of ultra-liberal U.S. Senator Al Franken being accused of groping a woman, plus the disturbing track record of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood liberals whose misbehavior has now come to light. (Related: Read more about Clinton wrongdoing and the hypocrisy of Democrats and the fakestream news media at
I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016
Given recent events, liberal writers at the Times, Vox, The Atlantic, and elsewhere have recently changed their tune about Bill Clinton, the Washington Free Beacon reported, although it’s a reasonable to wonder if they would have come forward had Hillary Clinton been elected president in 2016.
“Bill Clinton should have resigned,” Vox reporter Matt Yglesias wrote…arguing that Clinton’s affair in the 1990s with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky should have resulted in his resignation because it was an abuse of power.
Looking back, The Atlantic writer Caitlin Flanagan wrote this about the Clinton scandals.
The Democratic Party needs to make its own reckoning of the way it protected Bill Clinton… The party was on the wrong side of history, and there are consequences for that.
Clinton himself has not weighed in, according to the New York Times.
Mr. Clinton has kept publicly quiet amid the flurry of sexual misconduct stories lately, and his office had no comment on Wednesday. But other Democrats were not as willing to come to his defense this week. Of a dozen prominent political activists contacted on Wednesday, none went on the record on Mr. Clinton’s behalf.
Many Democrats, and those in the mainstream media, had no hesitation, however, in publicly denouncing President Trump when the Access Hollywood “locker-room talk” tape surfaced about a month before the election.
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