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Israeli “quadcopters” are SHOOTING injured children at Gaza airstrike scenes, confirms acclaimed British surgeon
By Ethan Huff // Nov 14, 2024

Acclaimed British surgeon Nizam Mamode testified before the UK Parliament this week about what he personally witnessed in the Gaza Strip concerning Israel's holocaust-like murder spree against injured Palestinian children.

According to Mamode, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) "quadcopters" are going into areas of Gaza that were previously bombed by other IDF weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and picking off, aka shooting, injured people, including children, who are lying amid the rubble.

"What I think I found particularly disturbing was that a bomb would drop maybe on a crowded, tented area, and then the drones would come down," Mamode said soberly with tears in his eyes before Great Britain's political class.

When Mamode's tears started flowing, he was told to take his time because the British parliament is simply thankful for him showing up to tell the ugly truth about the situation in Gaza, no matter how politically incorrect it apparently is to do so since Israel is the one responsible.

"We're incredibly grateful for you making the time to be here today," Mamode was told by the person in charge.

"And I can only imagine just how it has impacted you and will continue to impact you, and I feel because you can't unsee what you've seen but being able to share that with us really helps us to hold legislators particularly into account."

(Related: Did you know that Turkey and 51 other nations are calling for a worldwide arms embargo on Israel to stop all the killing?)

"This is not an occasional thing," says Mamode about Israel's mass murder of injured Palestinian children

Once Mamode regained his composure, he continued to describe the IDF drones that he says would "come down" to "pick off civilians' children."

"We had description after – this is not an occasional thing. This was day after day after day operating on children."

"And this quadcopter came down and hovered over me and shot me," Mamode continued about how he was personally, even as a physician simply trying to help the sick and injured, assaulted by the Israeli military for his mere presence in Gaza.

"That's clearly a deliberate act. It was persistent – persistent targeting of civilians. Day after day, we have one or two mass casualty incidents – every day."

The internet, as you might expect, is in an uproar over these revelations. There is still a strong contingent of Israel First folks out there who believe that identifying genocide and telling the world about it will incur "curses" from God for not "blessing" Israel in its endeavors. Everyone else is horrified by what Israel is doing.

"Killing injured children in cold blood with quadcopters is psychopathic behaviour and certainly a war crime of the most repugnant kind," tweeted "L'Observateur Q2" (@LobservateurLi2) on X / Twitter.

"These people are indeed psychotic," replied the popular "Khalissee" (@Kahlissee) X / Twitter account.

"Israel has proven itself to be the cruelest entity on the face of the earth right now," suggested another about the murderous hearts of those in Israel, as well as those who support Israel, who believe that what Israel is doing will be honored by the Most High simply because Israel is the one doing it.

Another shared the following video of a retired American officer telling a similar story about how the Israeli army murdered a little girl named Hind Rajab in cold blood while she was asking them for help:

The latest news about all the death and destruction in the Middle East right now can be found at Chaos.news.

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