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Sermon 30: How Jesus reveals Caesar’s FAKE CURRENCY and FALSE AUTHORITY
By Kevin Hughes // Oct 30, 2024

The Health Ranger Mike Adams discussed how Jesus revealed Caesar's fake currency and false authority in his 30th sermon on the "Health Ranger Report," part of his 100 Sermons series.

He based this sermon from the Gospel of St. Mark (Mark 12:13-17), where the Pharisees and Herodians sent by the chief priests sought to trap Jesus in His words, giving them a reason to have Him arrested. They wanted to trap the Messiah by asking Him if it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar (the ruler of the Roman Empire) and whether they should pay their taxes or not.

Christ knew their hypocrisy, so He told them to bring Him a denarius – a coin with the image and inscription of the Roman emperor. He then asked him whose image and inscription was on the coin, to which the Pharisees and Herodiand replied, "Caesar's." The Lord then admonished them, saying: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

According to Adams, this means that the currency of man – as represented by the denarius – is a fictional creation.

While man can lay claim to their own creations of fictional currencies, they cannot lay claim to those things which are of God. Man's world of synthetic, false and made-up things such as the modern-day money – as exemplified by the dollar – is nothing but debt. (Related: Mike Adams Sermon 65 from the Church of Natural Abundance: GOLD is God’s money, while fiat currencies are SHADOW MONEY.)

"It's a piece of debt, paper money or currency," said Adams. "It's not even really money because it doesn't qualify as money. It doesn't hold value."

Caesar can lay claim to the domain of mankind, but not God's domain

The Bible nutrition educator continued that Caesar can lay claim to the domain of things man has created, as these are included in mankind's domain. But this world of man "is but a shallow simulation" compared to eternity with the Father in Heaven.

But to access this heavenly world, one must store up treasures in Heaven – the real currency of God, which is the Lord's grace and His recognition of who an individual is and what they have done to earn morals and integrity in their lifetime.

"Render to Caesar that things that are Caesar's" pertain to fake money, false authorities and false gods. "Render to God the things that are God's" pertain to morality, loyalty, integrity, spirituality, maturity and other positive things. The Natural News and Brighteon.com founder lamented that churches have mistaught the "render to Caesar" verse to mean that people should obey government.

"They misinterpret the words of Christ. They grossly misinterpret what Christ said. Christ wasn't saying obey government – He was saying that the world of government authority is fake and false, not even real," he said.

The Bible nutrition educator added that Jesus didn't fall for the trap set by the Pharisees and Herodians by speaking in a way of higher truth. They weren't able to catch Him saying "Do not obey Caesar," and they also missed how He stressed the greater transcendent obedience is to God. All earthly currencies and authorities have no value in the Father's eyes, as the real world is the world of God and the eternal life with Him.

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Listen to the 30th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about how Jesus revealed Caesar's fake currency and false authority below.

This video is from the Abundance Church channel on Brighteon.com.

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