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Swarm of UFOs spotted near Air Force base in Indiana where a massive “mothership” was also spotted weeks ago
By Kevin Hughes // Oct 29, 2024

A United States Air Force base in Indiana has become the most recent hotspot for mysterious unidentified flying objects or UFOs after residents noticed swarms of fast-moving, glowing orbs in the skies.

Multiple eyewitnesses in Kokomo, a small city just 13 miles south of Grissom Joint Air Reserve Base, reported witnessing floating lights that disappeared into thin air.

The strange sightings, most of which were reported on Oct. 7, are the latest in a series of reported UFO sightings near military locations. Officials at Fort Eustis and Langley Air Force Base in eastern Virginia recently reported seeing "flashing red, green and white lights" that were "moving at rapid speeds." (Related: Report: Pentagon has a super top-secret UFO data retrieval program called "Immaculate Constellation.")

U.S. Air Force personnel have not given any public explanation for the UFOs, which appeared as both reddish-orange orbs that soared in the sky in addition to a white orb that did a quick zigzag maneuver.

One unidentified local submitted a report to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) on Oct. 8 of what may have been a connected event. The local said a brief intrusion on Doppler weather radar showed what looked like a huge rectangle UFO speeding nearby, estimated to be about half as large as Disney World.

"I've seen many easily explained radar anomalies over the years, but never a huge rectangle with a clearly defined vapor shock wave and trail," the local said. "Judging by the image size, the rectangle would be approximately 20 miles in length. Compressed vapor trail appears to be in excess of 150 miles long."

While it's unclear if this strange radar return is connected to the past night's flurry of bizarre lights in the sky, many seasoned analysts of UFO videos told the Daily Mail that Kokomo's citizens most probably witnessed military flares.

"These look very clearly to be military flares. The tell-tale signs are the lights being in a row and lighting up and disappearing in succession," said Alejandro Rojas, an advisor to tech start-up Enigma Labs, where he helps examine witness submissions to the group's increasing database of UFO sightings.

Aside from the Grissom base to the north, Rojas mentioned many other Air Force bases surrounding Kokomo that may have been responsible for the spectacle.

More government records regarding UFO sightings being declassified

The strange cases in Indiana arrive just weeks after new government records emerged about other UFO waves near military sites, including swarms of UFOs seen over Joint Base Langley-Eustis for 17 straight nights in December 2023.

Growing transparency has done little to clear up the questions of the curious seeking answers about UFOs, also known as unidentified aerial phenomenon or UAP.

Now, as 50 pages of Air Force records have been released concerning UAP sorties, a former senior security official for the Department of Defense Chris Mellon talks about a craft seen "releasing swarms of smaller craft" near U.S. military bases.

Mellon, who served under former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, is referring to the "motherships" witnessed near the Pentagon in addition to a Lockheed Martin facility in California.

Follow UFOs.news for more news about UFOs or UAPs.

Watch the video below with Alex Jones discussing the swarms of UFO drones harassing U.S. military bases and ships.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on Brighteon.com.

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about half as large as Disney World." It's a small world after all.

Flares, sure. And dont forget swamp gas.

The Watchers watch military bases bc we have too much WMDs, all over.

Don't say UAPs That's govt trying to rebrand and obfuscate what's really go on.

Thanks for UFO updates, Mike.

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