The entire purpose of getting a vaccine is to create immunity to a specific virus or infectious disease, but then, all the doctors and “disease experts” remind everyone over and over that the only way they work is if at least 80 or 90 percent of the population gets them. Come again?
Now imagine if we were all told that about vitamin C, that it’s completely useless if 9 out of 10 Americans don’t take any. Who would even believe that vitamin C helps boost immunity and protect against viruses? Who would bother?
The vaccine lies are so bad, but still 270 million Americans rushed to the doctors, pharmacies and clinics to get their mass-sheeple injections because they fell for the fear-based scamdemic of the century. We all found out later that Covid barely kills anyone, especially healthy folks, young folks or babies.
We found out later that the Covid jabs don’t prevent infection, they just keep you from getting a “bad case” of Covid. But that was also a lie. We found out later that the vaccines don’t keep you from spreading Covid to others, but actually help you spread it through “shedding” the spike proteins.
In other words, no matter how many people got the shots, it didn’t matter at all. Even if every single American, including kids, babies and pregnant women, got the mRNA gene mutation stabs, it would NOT have helped stop the spread or infection of the Wuhan virus.
That’s why they had to create the fraudulent PCR tests, that signified anyone with any kind of bacterial or viral infection was “positive” for Covid-19. Sure. It was just another ploy to get everyone scared enough to go get injected with the deadly spike-prion-factory, self-assembling nanoparticle clot shots.
Imagine if doctors told everyone that antibiotics don’t work unless the majority of the population takes them around the same time. Imagine if dentists told everyone that brushing your teeth won’t prevent cavities unless everyone does it. The logic is absurd, but the vaccine cult still thinks that “herd immunity” is real. They push everyone to get vaccinated. They scream that the unvaccinated spread disease to the vaccinated.
The Vaccine Cult literally blames the fully unvaccinated for killing people by spreading Covid-19 to the “vaccinated” people. Though they are all convinced on the front end by the CDC that all vaccines are always “safe and effective,” the vaccinated masses are getting infected with Covid, dying from vascular clots caused by the spike proteins, and spreading the disease to their own family, friends, neighbors and coworkers who are also “fully vaccinated.” Where’s the logic?
Imagine begging and pleading with all your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to take vitamin C so that yours will work. “Please, please take your vitamin C so mine will work and I won’t get sick.”
Wake up folks. You are being duped by the Vaccine Industrial Complex. Everything you’ve been told about vaccines is a lie. Not only are they NOT safe and effective, but they are dangerous and ineffective. It’s just the opposite. Go figure. It’s population reductionism. It’s extermination of the masses through toxic injection. It’s genocide by Western “medicine.” The supposed “holy grail” of medicine is really the demise of mankind.
Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on experimental gene therapy injections that lead to turbo cancer and Long-Vax-Syndrome, and that “only work if everyone gets them.”
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4 months ago
The NAZIS are good at lying!
Remember the “6 Million Bars of Soap” hoax!?