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Taiwan’s Gold Apollo to “sue Israel” for lacing pagers with deadly explosives
By Ethan Huff // Sep 23, 2024

A Taiwanese electronics company called Gold Apollo is denying involvement in the recent pager explosion attack in Lebanon.

Hsu Ching-Kuang, the company's founder, told the media that his company did not make the pagers that exploded even though its name was on the devices. Another company called BAC, based out of Hungary, reportedly made them and simply licensed the Gold Apollo brand.

Now that it has been confirmed by the Israeli government that Mossad, an Israeli intelligence and spying agency, planted explosives in the devices in Tel Aviv before they were shipped off to Lebanon, Hsu says he plans to sue Israel for tarnishing his brand.

Gold Apollo has already gone bankrupt due to the incident as nobody is willing to purchase any more of the company's products due to fears about more explosions. The lawsuit is a start, but perhaps more is needed to teach Israel a lesson?

"I'm surprised that they are just filing a billion-dollar lawsuit as the damage to the company may far exceed this sum and may even lead to its dissolution," someone wrote on X about Gold Apollo's fate.

(Related: Did you know that Israeli Zionists have been controlling Washington for decades using espionage and other blackmail techniques?)

Hezbollah promising "severe reckoning"

Though Israel has not yet officially admitted responsibility for the attack, two U.S. officials and a senior diplomat in the Middle East told NBC News that the Jewish state is definitely behind the attack.

It makes sense as Israel has been promising to wage another war on Hezbollah to the north. There has been lots of back-and-forth fighting along Israel's northern border with Lebanon as of late as things continue to heat up between IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and Hezbollah.

"There is an agent in Europe whom we have cooperated with for three years, they are the agent for all of our products," Hsu said to the press. "We are not a big company, but we are a responsible company that cares about our products."

According to Hsu, the design and manufacturing of the pagers in question was "entirely handled by BAC." Gold Apollo only allowed BAC to label the pagers with Gold Apollo as the manufacturer under the licensing agreement.

BAC, meanwhile, is denying responsibility as well. CEO Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono commented that her company does not make the pagers.

"I am just the intermediate," Bársony-Arcidiacono said. "I think you got it wrong."

If Gold Apollo did not manufacture the pagers and neither did BAC, then who did?

Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war last October, tensions between Israel and Lebanon have worsened. The Lebanese Foreign Ministry condemned the attack as an "Israeli cyberattack," adding that he plans to lodge a complaint with the United Nations (UN) Security Council.

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, the UN special coordinator for Lebanon, said the pager explosions mark "an extremely concerning escalation in what is an already unacceptably volatile context."

Matthew Miller, the U.S. State Department spokesman, played the ignorance card, stating that his department was "not aware of this incident in advance."

N.R. Jenzen-Jones, director of Armament Research Services, a technical intelligence consulting firm, commented that the scale of how the explosive devices were integrated into the pagers "suggests a complex supply-chain attack rather than a scenario in which devices were intercepted and modified in transit." In other words, this was a carefully planned attack by Israel.

Hezbollah says it is investigating the attack, promising a "severe reckoning that the criminal enemy must face for the massacre it committed on Tuesday against our people, our families and our fighters in Lebanon."

The latest news about the raucously explosive situation in the Middle East can be found at WWIII.news.

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