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Hillary Clinton calls for criminal arrest of anyone who speaks against NATO, U.S. empire
By Ethan Huff // Sep 22, 2024

Two-time failed presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton appeared with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow in a one-on-one interview this week to call for Americans who spread "propaganda" to be civilly or criminally charged by the government.

Still sour about her loss to Donald Trump in 2016, Clinton continues to trot out the claim that "Russians" are responsible for influencing Americans to vote for Trump as opposed to, in this case in 2024, Kamala Harris.

"Just as Mueller indicted a lot of Russians, uh, who were engaged in, uh, direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016 ... I also think there are Americans who are, uh, engaged in, uh, this kind of propaganda, uh, and whether they should be civilly or in some cases criminally charged, uh, is something that would be a better deterrent," Clinton told Maddow – watch the clip below:

(Related: Perhaps it is time for Hillary Clinton herself to be criminally charged for violating federal campaign finance laws.)

What about that fake Russian dossier you created, Hillary?

During her diatribe, Clinton never once mentioned that she herself is guilty of spreading propaganda by spearheading the creation of the fake Russian dossier, which was used by the deep state to go after Trump.

"The fake Russian Dossier she created to start a fake investigation of Donald Trump for which there were no crimes that went on for years should be criminally punished imho, not normal people exercising their free speech rights," tweeted someone about Clinton's comments.

"Libs love their experts," wrote another. "She is an expert in false information. Takes a lot of guts to accuse others of lying."

Clinton also commented in another recent interview with journalist and podcast host Kara Swisher that nobody should be pressing Kamala about her policy positions because Americans do not have a right to know what Kamala plans to do if elected this fall.

"She does not have to do it, Kara," Clinton said emphatically. "I'm just going to cut to the chase."

As usual, Clinton played the sexist card to insinuate that simply wanting to know Kamala's policy positions is a form of sexism against women.

"I think it's, um, you know, it's a double standard and it's a double standard that is partly because they are still getting to know her. But also, because they're still grappling with the idea like, 'Oh, am I really going to vote for a woman to be president and commander in chief?' This is particularly true, let's just say it and underline it, about white women [voters]."

While Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Kamala's running mate, has granted and participated in at least 13 formal interviews since emerging as the vice-presidential candidate on the Democrat ticket, Kamala has not yet even once held an official press conference.

Trump and his running mate Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, conversely, have participated in at least 54 formal interviews just since Walz was propped up as Kamala's running mate.

"One of the biggest liars ever in politics calling for other people to be charged for misinformation," tweeted someone else about Clinton. "She should be doing consecutive life sentences for all her lies."

"The apropos term is psychopath," wrote another about how Clinton appears to have been fully given over to a depraved mind. "I despise her."

The latest news about the upcoming presidential election can be found at Rigged.news.

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