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RED DAWN: DOJ and Mainstream Media PSYOP IN EFFECT to rewrite history and make all truth media look like Russia-influenced propaganda
By S.D. Wells // Sep 18, 2024

Are you an independent thinker who likes to question dubious “official narratives” and use critical thinking skills daily to make wise decisions? You will be discredited by the Left and the Fake News Industrial Complex (FNIC) for those choices. For a couple decades, alternative media, also known as truth media, has been challenging and disproving many of the “official narratives” that mainstream media puts forth and propagates. To prove this misinformation and disinformation coming from the government, Big Pharma and Big Food takes resources, good judgment, intelligence and courage, since the powers that be often censor us, ban us, bankrupt us, arrest us and even “take us out.”

The latest effort to censor truth media and Conservative reporters and journalists is hinged on an all-too-familiar scarecrow or scapegoat called… Russia. Just like the Russia-Trump-Collusion hoax of the past 8 years, that’s still running on fake news CNN (Counterfeit News Network), now the Deep State (DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, etc.) appears to be attempting to ensnare some top Conservative journalists in a funded front linked to Russia so they can later claim that EVERY truth media outlet is now, and has always been, funded and promoted by the Russian propaganda machine.

This angle would discredit all independent media this way and make it seem that we are all a bunch of blithering idiots who regurgitate propaganda (like MSM does themselves) and can’t think for ourselves, and never have. So, who exactly is funding this psyop? It’s well thought out, that is for sure. Let’s take an inside look at what’s happening here.

Fake News wants Americans to believe that all other news is Russia-fed propaganda

The Left and the globalists are scrambling to stay in power and maintain control of their right arm political propaganda machine – fake news. The Covid scamdemic helped them steal away many constitutional rights from Americans, as they ran a tight ship on all speech, press, Google searches and finds, social media posts, videos on YouTube and more. If anyone bucked the narrative they were shut out, shut down and persecuted for it. Free speech became a dirty word, and those who exercised it were deemed “domestic terrorists,” “anti-science” and “right-wing extremists.”

Now, since there are two proxy wars, Ukraine vs. Russia and Israel vs. Palestine, where U.S. politicians and their globalist cohorts have their cash cow military industrial complex running on high, they’ve figured out a way they might convince their Leftist base (Democrats and Liberals who believe everything MSM says) that Putin has been, is now, and will always be funding all independent media that criticizes and challenges any “official narratives” put forth by the DC criminal cabal of Democrats (and Big Pharma).

The highly corrupt and weaponized U.S. Department of Justice now accusing U.S. conservative journalists of being shills for Russia’s misinformation campaign

The U.S. Department of Justice is calling it the Tenet Media controversy and saying that truth media reporters and journalists are getting paid by Russia to publish and spread Russian-fed disinformation about official narratives U.S. media is pushing. They’re claiming Russia Today, a Russian state funded media organization, is pumping millions of bucks into the pockets of U.S. conservatives to help Trump win the new election, to discredit the proxy wars the U.S. is making a fortune from, and to spread lies about the (highly corrupt) U.S. government.

A Tennessee-based content creation company received almost $10 million to publish “Russia-friendly” content, but it’s obvious this is another ploy to ensnare U.S. journalists in a Deep State plot to use for future censorship of truth media. So far they are just baseless accusations and the DOJ doesn’t have enough fake evidence to do anything about it. It’s like the “Freedom Fighters” front where “rebels” were supposed to all get together to fight the corruption of the U.S. government, and then everyone would be arrested and imprisoned for it.

It's like that 1984 movie "Red Dawn" that starred Patrick Swayze about the Russians invading America, starting with paratroopers landing at school yards and setting up concentration camps. We're all supposed to believe that's what's next if we don't stop the Russia propaganda machine. In reality, it's the Democrat-Communists that are the insurgents who have already taken over Washington DC and are set to put all Conservatives and Republicans in FEMA concentration camps. Follow the bouncing ball.

Stay smart. Stay frosty my friends. Don’t fall for Deep State plots, ploys and front groups. Tune your apocalypse dial to Preparedness.news for updates on real news about the world and the Democrat-led government aggression that comes at us every day now.

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