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Budget-friendly tips to up your prepper game
By HRS Editors // Sep 05, 2024

As a prepper, one of your main goals is to prepare for different emergencies. But prepping goes beyond preparing for cataclysmic events like earthquakes or societal collapse.

You can also prepare for smaller-scale emergencies like power outages or unexpected personal financial crises. One of the best ways to prepare for such events is to start a prepper pantry so your family has access to a variety of delicious and nutritious food even after SHTF. (h/t to YourPrepperPlan.com)

Many non-preppers are often worried about the cost when it comes to prepping.

While this is a valid concern, you can address it with some careful planning regardless of your income level. Remember that budgeting isn't just about being frugal.

Budgeting also involves making strategic decisions about where to allocate your resources, especially if your funds are limited. And when you are talking about survival supplies and emergency food storage, strategic budgeting can go a long way.

Always keep your prepper pantry tailored to your unique circumstances. (Related: Top canned foods with the longest shelf life.)

Prepping essentials for your pantry

Here are some essential food supplies and items for your prepper stockpile or pantry:

Non-perishable food items 

Non-perishable food items like canned goods, dried beans, pasta and rice are all budget-friendly, non-perishable food items. These staples are essential for your budget prepper pantry.

These items are also easy to store, have a long shelf-life and offer great nutritional value.

Water storage and purification methods

Water is vital for survival. You need clean drinking water to stay hydrated, and you also need water for cooking and cleaning.

Invest in affordable water storage solutions and master budget-friendly water purification methods, like boiling or using water purification tablets.

Tips for building a prepper pantry on a budget

Here are some tips to help you get started:

If you have limited funds, you can make the most of every dollar by buying in bulk. Purchasing larger quantities of essential items can save you money in the long run, and it's one of the fastest ways to quickly stockpile supplies for your pantry.

Items such as non-perishable foodstuffs like beans, pasta, rice and canned goods, are often cheaper per unit when purchased in bulk. It's true that the initial cost might be higher, but the price per serving is often significantly lower than if you bought the same item in a smaller package. You should also shop during sales and take advantage of discounts.

Here are some tips to save money while buying supplies:

Check store flyers and online deals

Physical store flyers and online deal sites can offer useful information about upcoming sales. Check them regularly, especially stores where you frequently shop.

Bookmark relevant websites and sign up for newsletters or alerts to stay updated on the best deals for a variety of essential supplies.

Plan grocery trips around sales

Maximize each shopping trip by planning them around when items you need are on sale.

You might need to adjust your shopping schedule, but the savings can make it worthwhile.

Seasonal sales

Remember that certain times of the year, such as after holidays or at the change of seasons, often mean big sales.

These are great opportunities to stock up on discounted items for your prepper pantry.

Use coupons 

Coupons can provide substantial savings, but you should learn how to use them wisely.

Compare prices and only use coupons for items that you were planning to buy. Don't waste money on things you don't need just because they were on sale.

Join discount stores and wholesale clubs

Discount stores and wholesale clubs are great because they usually offer items at lower prices than traditional grocery stores.

If you're not sure about getting a membership, check out your local options and compare prices to see if you can save more money with a membership.

Clearance sections

Clearance sections could be hiding great bargains, so don't forget to browse them for heavily discounted items.

While these might be close to their best-by date, if you plan to use them soon or can properly store them, they can be affordable additions to your prepper pantry.

Buy generic

You can also save a lot of money by choosing store or generic brands, which are just as good as name brands.

Where to buy affordable supplies for your prepping needs

The Health Ranger Store is committed to helping you prepare for any emergency whatever your budget.

That’s why we’re proud to introduce a variety of affordable and lab-verified food supplies for your prepping needs, such as food buckets and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables.

The Ranger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply is the world's first emergency food supply that's certified organic and laboratory-verified.

All the food items are organic, non-GMO, laboratory tested for heavy metals and completely free of chemical ingredients such as MSG or preservatives.

Bucket A26, with a minimum of 278 servings per pail, contains supplies lie Organic Long Grain Brown Rice, Organic Red Lentils and Organic Black Beans.

Meanwhile, Bucket B19, with a minimum of 258 servings per pail, contains an assortment of food supplies such as Himalayan Salt, Organic White Quinoa and Organic Yellow Popcorn.

The Brighteon Store also wants to help you experience the full nutritional benefits of organic apples, which is why we're bringing you freeze-dried, organic, diced apples in long-term storable #10 cans.

Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Diced Apples are made from fresh, high-quality apples that are grown under strict organic standards without the use of synthetic pesticides. Our freeze-dried apple pieces are non-GMO, certified Kosher and organic and are thoroughly lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.

Eat Freeze-Dried Organic Diced Apples as a snack, sprinkle them onto cereals, or rehydrate them by soaking them in water.

The Health Ranger Store also wants you to enjoy the full nutritional benefits of vegetables such as fresh organic kale, which is why we've gone to great lengths to bring you clean and certified organic freeze-dried chopped kale in long-term storable #10 cans.

Loaded with a variety of important nutrients, Freeze-Dried Organic Chopped Kale is carefully grown by our trusted suppliers under strict organic standards.

It then undergoes a freeze-drying process that preserves the original taste, texture and nutrients of our premium kale.

Visit Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store to find more prepping products for your prepping needs. You can also go to FoodSupply.news for more useful tips on how to build a reliable food stockpile.

Click on this link to learn how to make tasty Apple Cinnamon Protein Muffins .

Watch the video below to learn how you can support good health with Organic Apples even after SHTF.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Prepping 101: 4 Essential tips for new preppers.

Budget prepping: Ways to make your food budget last longer.

Debunking the TOP 5 MYTHS about emergency food storage.

20 Cheap, nutritious foods with a long shelf life for your survival stockpile.

Sources include:


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