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“Unmistakable presence” of EVIL causes some doctor to stop performing ABORTIONS
By Kevin Hughes // Aug 28, 2024

Dr. Catherine Wheeler, a former abortionist turned pro-life advocate, has felt an "unmistakable presence of evil" around her while performing an abortion. She never performed another one after that.

"I was about to begin an abortion procedure on a teenager when the room darkened and time seemed to slow down. There was an unmistakable presence of evil, and I was the only one who seemed to notice it," Wheeler recounted. "What scared me most was my awareness of pure evil in the operating room, related to the abortion I was performing."

That moment proved crucial in her life as God revealed to her the horror and destruction of abortion. "I thought I was helping women. The life and value of the preborn were lost in the abortion conversation. I bought the feminists' lie that women needed to have access to an abortion in order to pursue their dreams and be fulfilled," she admitted.

Wheeler finally decided to publicly speak as a pro-life advocate in 2020.

"It started when society devalued marriage and promoted intimacy without consequences. You can't have a sexual revolution, unhindered sexuality, without contraception and abortion," Wheeler stated.

"Sexuality has become almost like a transaction and physical only. If you don't love the person, you're being intimate with, and that relationship is disposable, why would you love a child who was a result of that?"

Women have been convinced that their value is tied to pursuing a big dream and big life goal

But Wheeler's story doesn't end there. She noted that her conversion didn't happen suddenly, and that her awareness about the sanctity of life "paralleled [her] journey" back to Christianity and "to walk with Christ."

"God gently nudged me over time to fully realize the humanity and value of human life," Wheeler said. "Jesus wasn't put on this earth to crush people. He came to save people. His death on the cross was to redeem our sins. The gentle hand of God has tenderly guided me along."

The pro-life activist also believes the larger issue is women being convinced that their value is tied to pursuing a big dream and a big life goal and defining it as the most important thing about them. She added society has convinced women that "children get in the way of what matters most, rather than being one of the most important parts of our lives."

As traditional values became less important, people regarded human life as having less meaning, leading to a wider acceptance of abortion. The modern culture also encourages women to celebrate infanticides, something Wheeler is fighting against now.

She also placed some of the blame on Christian churches. "The biblical view of sexuality and intimacy within marriage as God's good plan to protect children and women (as well as men), occurring within the sanctity of marriage are not being discussed in the pulpit," she said.

Pregnancy can make a person's life difficult, and the abortion lobby tells young women that abortion is essential to maintaining their own happiness or career goals. Most pastors, Wheeler added, are scared to talk about intimacy within marriage. This results in a huge lost opportunity to prepare young people with reality before the culture drives a destructive narrative upon them. (Related: Abortion isn’t “reproductive health,” it’s the MURDER of an individual human being.)

"I want to put a pebble in their shoe, make them just a little uncomfortable so they'll think deeper about the value of human life," Wheeler ultimately remarked.

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Watch the video below about abortion being a Satanic ritual.

This video is from the Deplorable Preacher channel on Brighteon.com.

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