Gain of function was also planned and designed. It was no accident that coronavirus jumped from bats to humans, and from humans to humans. It would be a conspiracy theory to say that the China Flu developed in the wild, and this has been proven by scientists in laboratories that can dissect genetic coding. This is vaccine violence, as the Covid clot shots literally cause clotting in the vascular system, which spreads to vital organs and the brain and strains the heart to the point of death. It’s called bioterrorism, and the United States, unfortunately, spearheads the living nightmare, along with the Chinese Communist Party. Follow the bouncing science money ball.
Believe it or not, there are a handful of billionaires who fund most of the mayhem across the globe, and especially for the United States. These business tycoons function like Adolf Hitler, but they hide behind fronts like “philanthropy” and “technology.” Bill Gates wants to inject everyone with deadly “vaccines” to bring the world’s population down a few billion humans. He’s even said the “quiet part” out loud at TED conferences.
George Soros funds the overthrow of governments around the world, and profits from the battles and wars, no matter who wins, loses or just suffers.
Top politicians in the U.S. government propagate unnecessary wars around the world to launder billions of dollars, through arms dealing, embezzlement schemes and other common tactics of the military industrial complex. This is nothing new; however, by funding Ukraine and supplying them with long range missiles to shoot deep into Russian territory, this is instigating World War III. What most Americans do not realize is that NATO is a cover for communist aggression, bio-warfare technology and chemical weapons that can easily exterminate billions of human lives in the blink of an eye.
#1. Coronavirus (and other gain-of-function viruses to be released)
#2. Covid mRNA clot shots
#3. Mass illegal immigration of criminals and terrorists at the U.S. southern border
#4. U.S./NATO aid fueling Ukraine’s War against Russia, instigating World War III
#5. Trump assassination attempt
Twenty some years ago, Americans were all worried about terrorists from the Middle East, who somehow entered our country, learned how to fly commercial jets, took over a few of them and flew them directly into the nation’s most popular buildings. Now, thousands of terrorists just like those guys enter the US in droves, through our open southern border and are given visas, ID, travel money and voting rights by the Obamala Harris, O’Biden Regime.
As of late, the one man who may actually be able to close the southern U.S. border, end the insane wars overseas and restore the power of the U.S. constitution, well, he was nearly assassinated by the Deep State. This was well planned by several people and several organizations colluding to further empower evil forces that want to depopulate the planet and enslave us all. Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving and thriving beyond what comes this way.
Sources for this article include:
6 months ago
It is my firm beleife there was no assassination attempt on Trump. That story doesnt hold water.
6 months ago
Twenty years ago I would have said all this was nonsense but what we have witnessed in the last 8 years has made it all true and scary! Our nation has traded God for money, power, and control and sinful ways. The devil is cheering us on while our country self destructs! I pray every day that we will be able to get Trump back in the White House and keep conservative control in congress in November. It is our only hope so keep God in your life and pray every day!