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Prepping tips: Stockpiling non-perishable foods and water
By HRS Editors // Jul 30, 2024

Even if you're not a prepper, you should think about stocking up on emergency foods for different survival scenarios. This is important because fueling your body with nutritious foods and staying hydrated during a crisis can differ from your regular diet during "normal" times.

Below are some suggestions on what you should have in your survival stockpile before disaster strikes. (h/t to RealSimple.com)

Consider the nutritional value of the food you're buying

If the emergency is disease-related, such as during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020, you and your family need to eat nutritious foods that will help support your overall health. And because you'll have a limited supply in your emergency preparedness kit or survival stockpile at home, the higher-quality foods you eat the better.

Barry Swanson, professor emeritus of food science at Washington State University, has advised that you will need calories during "a disaster or an emergency."

Swanson added that your diet should also include foods rich in nutrients and fiber because they will help "keep your diet normal." (Related: Survival essentials: Best budget-friendly foods for prepping.)

But that doesn't mean you can only eat bland foods when SHTF. Plan ahead and make a list of non-perishable items that you can use to make healthy, tasty meals during emergencies.

Below are some items for your survival stockpile:

Bottled water

You should drink enough water every day to stay hydrated. Ensure that you have at least a three-day supply of clean drinking water, and remember that you need at least one gallon per person daily.

If you are normally active, you can prevent dehydration by drinking at least a half gallon of water each day. You can use the other half gallon for cooking and washing.

Don't forget to stock up on clean water for your pets and livestock.

Canned fish 

Canned food such as chicken, tuna, turkey or salmon will usually last at least two years in the pantry. Canned fish is also a great source of essential protein.

If you're stocking up on canned food, make sure you have a manual can opener and an extra one for emergencies.

Canned fruits and vegetables

While fresh produce is great for a balanced diet, canned fruits and vegetables are a great alternative when dealing with survival scenarios.

They can provide you with essential nutrients, making them an ideal hurricane food or natural disaster option.

Alternatively, you can stock up on freeze-dried fruits and vegetables if you want to add more variety to your stockpile. Compared to canned options, freeze-dried fruits and vegetables can last for several years in your stockpile if stored properly.

Nuts and trail mixes

Nuts and trail mixes are high-energy foods. They're also a convenient and healthy snack for different emergencies like a hurricane or tornado.

Buy vacuum-packed containers, which prevent the nuts from oxidizing and losing their freshness over time.

Peanut butter

Comforting and a great source of energy, peanut butter is full of "good" fats and protein. Unless the jar indicates otherwise, you don't have to refrigerate peanut butter after opening.

Where to buy supplies for your food stockpile before SHTF

The Health Ranger Store is committed to helping you prepare for any emergency, especially if you want to start a food stockpile for your family.

That’s why we’re proud to introduce a variety of lab-verified products, such as fair trade coffee and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables.

Freeze-dried instant coffee is made of tiny granules of brewed coffee extract that has been carefully chilled until frozen at specific temperatures, broken down into small fragments and finally dried under vacuum conditions. The tiny coffee granules left behind by this process can then easily be rehydrated by adding water.

This makes instant coffee the best way to store coffee and continue to get your coffee fix during a SHTF scenario.

The Health Ranger Store is thrilled to bring you our specialty Fair Trade coffee in a convenient and easy-to-prepare format.

With a much longer shelf life than regular coffee, Health Ranger Select Fair Trade Organic Freeze-Dried Instant Coffee delivers a bold and exquisite flavor of medium roast coffee that you can enjoy immediately. Just add hot water, stir and your instant coffee is ready to drink.

We also want to help you experience the wholesome goodness of organic apples, which is why we're bringing you freeze-dried, organic, diced apples in long-term storable #10 cans.

Health Ranger Select Freeze-Dried Organic Diced Apples are made from fresh, high-quality apples that are grown under strict organic standards without the use of synthetic pesticides.

Our freeze-dried apple pieces are non-GMO, certified Kosher and organic and are thoroughly lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbes. Eat them as a snack, sprinkle them onto cereals or rehydrate them by soaking them in water.

We also offer Freeze Dried Organic Peas that are non-GMO and grown in the U.S. under strict organic standards. The freeze-drying method preserves taste, texture and nutrients better than any other food preservation method invented.

You can trust that Freeze Dried Organic Peas from the Health Ranger Store are thoroughly lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbes. They are also vegan, gluten-free, laboratory-verified and China-free.

Visit FoodSupply.news for more ideas on how to start your food and water stockpile. You can also check out Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store for cleaner, healthier food supplies for your prepping needs.

Click on this link to learn how to make peppermint mocha protein coffee using Fair Trade Organic Freeze-Dried Instant Coffee.

Watch this clip about the wholesome goodness of organic apples.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Canning, drying and more: The art of food preservation across cultures.

Prepping tips: How to survive with a limited water supply.

Mastering stealth prepping: Top tips to stay under the radar.

Understanding different types of emergencies and how to prepare for them.

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