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Murdoch paper explains similarities between Kamala’s campaign and Putin-style fakery
By News Editors // Jul 30, 2024

Rupert Murdoch’s The Sunday Times, sister paper to The Times of London, has published an article denouncing the efforts of the Democratic Party machine to generate artificial enthusiasm for Vice President Kamala Harris‘s presidential bid as so inauthentic that Russia’s Vladimir Putin would be ashamed of it.

(Article by Jack Montgomery republished from TheNationalPulse.com)

Columnist Camilla Long, despite being unfriendly to former President Donald J. Trump, bemoans the way “All [Harris’s] faults, flaws, back story are now also being hastily tidied away, as [Joe] Biden’s were; the snafus, word salads, ‘border tsar’ errors drowned out.”

“This is the first true AI election: synthetic candidates are magicked up almost out of nowhere, suddenly given huge projection, campaigns, ready-made armies of Twitter followers. They’re mere products,” Long argues.

“No one in the Democrats seems to care who is up there, what their politics are, who they represent, just as long as they’re reading the right things and repeating suitably vague catchphrases, all planned for them by faceless committees,” she adds.


The British columnist takes particular issue with “one extraordinary clip” showing Harris taking a supposedly spontaneous call from Barack and Michelle Obama, with the Vice President feigning surprise as they offer their belated endorsement.

“To say this video is fiction is to completely understate the incredible lengths to which the Democrats are going to fabricate their candidate. Nothing in it is real: it’s an entirely staged call; Harris speaks staged words, wearing a microphone in preparation, but then acts if she had no idea the Obamas would be dialling in,” Long recounts.

“Do the Obamas even believe she is the best candidate? I doubt it—they took days to endorse her. Imagine if Putin did any of this,” she says.

A Biden family source, unhappy at the 81-year-old’s ouster as the Democratic nominee, revealed shortly before the Obamas finally endorsed Harris that former President Obama was “furious,” “shocked,” and “very upset” to see the Vice President falling into place as Biden’s replacement.

“Obama knows she’s just incompetent—the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her,” said the source.

Obama reportedly wanted to see Arizona Senator Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” after a more open renomination process.

Read more at: NationalPulse.com

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