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Democrat sanctuary cities are BUSING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OUT of their areas
By Olivia Cook // Jul 26, 2024

A new report has found that Democrats have bused out over 60,000 migrants that have arrived in their so-called "sanctuary cities," this despite liberals spending months criticizing states like Texas for "mistreating" illegal immigrants by transporting them to sanctuary cities.

The New York Times reported that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott transported around 120,000 migrants from border towns to cities such as Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. The busing of migrants is part of a new strategy to redistribute the responsibility of dealing with the border crisis to states further away from the border. Without these transfers, Texas would have become a more permanent home for these illegal immigrants.

Despite severe criticism for his busing program, Abbott has vowed to continue transporting migrants to other states. His defiance in the face of opposition from Democratic governors has inspired others to start their own busing programs. For instance, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Republican and a Democrat, respectively, have implemented similar initiatives.

Sanctuary states and cities relocating thousands of migrants

As a result of this influx, northern states had to address the costs of housing and supporting these migrants – challenging their claims of being sanctuary cities. Facing this unexpected burden, many of these states have started their own busing programs to relocate migrants. (Related: Liberal sanctuary state Massachusetts tells illegals to GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.)

For example, New York has paid to send over 35,000 migrants to Florida, Illinois and even back to Texas.

Denver has purchased tickets to transport migrants to other states, including California, Utah, Florida and Texas as well. About 1,400 of the migrants in Denver took up the offer to go back to Texas.

Meanwhile, the State of Illinois has provided free transportation for more than 7,000 migrants to leave Chicago.

Ironically, many of these cities had initially welcomed the buses from Texas, believing the new source of cheap labor the migrants provided could help stimulate economic growth. But the rapid arrival of these migrants, many of whom are so-called asylum seekers who can't get work permits for the first six months, proved too much for these places to handle.

"We're willing to provide that support," said Denver Mayor Mike Johnston. "We can't provide it to everyone."

Denver, according to the New York Times analysis, had the highest portion of arriving migrant buses from Texas. At first, the city offered several weeks of free shelter to newly arrived migrants.

However, the number of migrants arriving in the city quickly outpaced Denver's ability to shelter them. The number of people staying in shelters grew to over 10 times their average level before the initial migrant surge, reaching nearly 5,000 in January. The city had to roll back its free shelter program to just 72 hours of free housing, and the city government started advising incoming migrants to continue on to somewhere else.

Today, a sign in Spanish stands outside the city's main migrant intake center that says: "There is no shelter in Denver."

Visit Migrants.news for more stories like this.

Watch the following video about "Texas has bused over 119,700 illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities across the country."

This video is from the Daily Videos channel on Brighteon.com.

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