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Trump campaign files FEC complaint over ILLEGAL transfer of $91.5M Biden campaign fund to Harris campaign
By Laura Harris // Jul 25, 2024

The Trump campaign has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for violating campaign finance laws.

In a detailed letter to the FEC, David Warrington, the general counsel of the Trump campaign, claimed that Harris attempted to illegally take over the $91.5 million political donations made to the Biden campaign. Trump and his campaign team accused Harris of orchestrating "the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended." (Related: RFK Jr. accuses DNC of once again RIGGING the nomination process – this time for Kamala Harris.)

"Kamala Harris is in the process of committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history and she is using the Commission’s own forms to do it," the filing stated. "The Commission must not and cannot sit idly by while one candidate takes nearly one hundred million dollars from the authorized committee of another, in violation of the Act and the will of the donors who gave the money in the first place."

Moreover, Warrington argued that federal campaign finance law does not permit Harris to simply take over Biden's candidacy and assume control of his campaign finances by amending existing FEC forms. He further contends that Harris, who has not filed a statement of candidacy designating Biden for President as one of her authorized committees, is ineligible to inherit the funds because she is a "separate individual candidate competing for the Democratic Party’s nomination."

"[If] Kamala Harris were a candidate for something in 2024, federal law requires her to have filed a Statement of Candidacy and for her name to have appeared in the name of her authorized committee. But Kamala Harris’s name does not appear in the name of her purported authorized committee, 'Biden for President,' and, until Sunday, no Statement of Candidacy existed for her.

Rather than filing her own Statement of Candidacy, Harris merely altered Joe Biden's to replace his name with hers. There is no mechanism under the Act for one individual to end another's federal candidacy by simply amending the other's Form 2. Moreover, in that purportedly amended Form 2, Harris designated "Biden for President" as her principal campaign committee and then renamed it. "Altering a document submitted to a federal agency is a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1519.3," the complaint stated.

Warrington described the move to redirect the $91.5 million remaining in Biden's campaign account as both "fraudulent" and a "mockery of our campaign finance laws."

Harris campaign calls the allegations "baseless"

In response to the complaint, Harris campaign spokesperson Charles Lutvak has firmly dismissed the allegations as "baseless."

"Team Harris will continue to build on our more than 250 coordinated offices and more than 1,300 coordinated staffers across the battleground states – just like we built on the $240 million cash on hand that we had at launch this week, raising $100 million in our first 36 hours and signing up 58,000 volunteers," Lutvak said in a statement.

Lutvak also suggested that Republicans are envious of the Democrats' momentum.

"Republicans may be jealous that Democrats are energized to defeat Donald Trump and his MAGA allies, but baseless legal claims – like the ones they've made for years to try to suppress votes and steal elections – will only distract them while we sign up volunteers, talk to voters and win this election," he added.

A Harris campaign official also clarified that Biden fundraising committees have always been authorized for both the president and vice president.

Head over to Trump.news for more stories about the former president ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Listen to the Health Ranger Mike Adams discussing Joe Biden's plan to drop out of the presidential race, which eventually came to fruition on July 21.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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