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Prepping and hydration: Essential tips for preparing for extreme heat
By HRS Editors // Jul 25, 2024

Picnics and outdoor activities are fun when the weather is great, but you should remember that spending too much time in the sun during summer can also be dangerous. Excessive heat exposure can cause dehydration, which can cause hazardous conditions, such as heat cramps.

Fortunately, you can take measures to protect your family from the heat and sun if you want to stay healthy and active this summer. (h/t to Healthline.com)

What to wear

What you wear can help you stay comfortable outside in the blazing sun.

The right type of clothing

When it's hot and sunny, you can stay cool with a loose white linen shirt. Remember that dark clothing absorbs more heat, and tight clothes don’t let sweat, the human body's natural "cooling system," evaporate.

Cotton is also a great fabric for hot weather. Wear light colors instead of darker ones to stay cool.

Sun-protective clothing

When choosing your clothes for outdoor activities, you should know the difference between clothing that keeps you cool in the heat and clothing that keeps you protected from ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Sun-protective items, like clothing, are given an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) rating based on how much UV radiation they allow to penetrate the skin. If a product has a UPF of 15, around 6.7 percent (or 1/15) of the sun's rays will reach your skin.

A UPF rating of 15 is considered good, but an item must have a UPF of at least 30 to receive the Skin Cancer Foundation's Seal of Recommendation.


Sunglasses will prevent UV rays from harming your corneas and will protect your eyes.


Wear a wide-brimmed hat to prevent UV rays from hitting the sensitive spots on your face.

Organic sunscreen

If you need to work outdoors, use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Cover the areas that burn easily, such as your nose, ears, shoulders and the back of your neck.

Lip balm

While sunscreen protects the rest of your skin, a lip balm with SPF protection blocks out the sun and keeps moisture for your lips.

Tips for staying hydrated

The heat makes you sweat, which helps you cool down. But sweating also means that you’re constantly losing fluid.

Follow these tips to stay hydrated:

Drink water throughout the day

During summer or a bad heatwave, you shouldn't wait until you’re thirsty to take sips of water. Drinking water throughout the day can prevent dehydration or over-exhaustion.

The color of your urine can tell you if you are hydrated enough. The clearer, the better. If it's yellow or darker, it's time to drink more water. (Related: Must-have items for your heatwave emergency kit.)

Drink sugar-free juice

All-natural juice without added sugar provides hydration and it also has important nutrients to keep you active and nourished in hot weather. Vitamin C is one of these essential nutrients.

Check the label on the juice bottle to see if it says "100 percent juice with no sugar added."

Where to buy hydrating supplies for your stockpile

The Health Ranger Store is committed to helping you prepare for any emergency and preventing heat-related health issues such as dehydration. That's why we're proud to introduce a variety of lab-verified products that can help you stay hydrated in hot weather.

Electrolytes are inorganic compounds that your body needs to function properly. They serve as catalysts for various life-sustaining biochemical reactions throughout your body.

Health Ranger Select Electrolyte Drops contain four of the main electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, chloride and sodium) that your body needs. Each of these four electrolytes plays an important role in helping your body maintain optimal fluid balance and hydration.

Our pure, unadulterated formula is sourced from Utah's Great Salt Lake and is carefully solar-evaporated. It is not exposed to artificial heat or radiation.

This convenient solution contains the perfect blend of electrolytes to help refuel and rehydrate your body, all at a lower cost than commercial sports drinks and without any of its chemical additives.

You can also try Groovy Bee® Hydrate Elementals - Organic Coconut Water and Aquamin to help you replenish your body's supply of electrolytes lost through basic body functions and support optimal hydration.

Groovy Bee® Hydrate Elementals - Organic Coconut Water and Aquamin is a natural blend of refreshing organic coconut water and mineral-rich Aquamin.

Delicious and nutrient-rich, our NEW Groovy Bee® Hydrate Elementals - Organic Coconut Water and Aquamin is made with only high-quality ingredients.

Our organic coconut water powder and Aquamin blend is non-GMO, non-China, and certified Kosher and organic. It has also undergone extensive lab testing for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbes.

Visit Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store to find more supplies for your stockpile. Also visit Preparedness.news for more stories about how you can protect your family against extreme heat.

Click on this link for more tips on how to stay hydrated this summer.

Watch this clip about the health benefits of organic coconut water.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Understanding different types of emergencies and how to prepare for them.

8 Ways to survive without water and prevent dehydration when SHTF.

Groundwater reserves in the United States are being depleted at alarming rates.

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