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Must-have items for your heatwave emergency kit
By HRS Editors // Jul 23, 2024

Before disaster strikes, stock up on food supplies and prepare a heatwave emergency kit for yourself and your family. With the necessary supplies, you can ensure that your family is well-fed and comfortable even if things get a little too hot when SHTF.

Hopefully, the power will be on even during a heatwave. But if you experience a blackout during a heatwave, items like battery-powered or manual fans can help everyone stay cool. (h/t to HereComesTheApocalypse.com)

A heatwave emergency kit is similar to your earthquake preparedness kit or a go bag. However, your heatwave emergency kit will include specific items that can help reduce the threat of heat illness.

When you're done preparing your kit, you can also add more items for your specific needs. If possible, store enough supplies to help your family survive for at least 72 hours without electricity.

Extra water

Bottled water is essential, especially since the public water supply can be disrupted during intense heatwaves. Make sure you have at least one gallon or more of water per person per day. Don't forget to prepare enough water for livestock or pets.

Cooler for ice

If your freezer goes out, you can preserve food in a large cooler with store-bought ice. The ice-filled cooler can also be used to keep medicines stable for family members with health conditions or create soothing ice packs for the whole family.

Plastic bags and cable ties

Plastic bags are useful items with many survival uses. If you don't have sturdy zipper bags, you can use cable ties and plastic bags to make individual ice packs. Give these to your family for some relief when you can't use the A/C during a power outage.

Non-perishable food

If the power grid goes down, perishables in your fridge or kitchen pantry can spoil. Before disaster strikes, make sure you have a variety of healthy and shelf-ready foods in your stockpile such as organic nuts or freeze-dried fruits and vegetables.

Battery-powered radio

You will need a battery-powered radio to listen to local weather alerts even without electricity. Don't forget to stock up on extra batteries.


If you want to keep a supply of needed medications on hand during emergencies, you should know their temperature limitations. Certain medications must stay within a specific temperature range to maintain their effectiveness, such as insulin for people with diabetes. If you have medical equipment that requires power, invest in a generator or other source of power.

Battery-powered hand fan

If you experience a heatwave during a power outage, you can cool down with a battery-powered fan. Get extra batteries for the fans. (Related: How to stay cool if you lose power during a heatwave.)

Manual fan

If you don't want to rely on battery-powered fans, you can keep cool with a manual fan. While any stiff paper could do the trick, you should get something reliable to keep air moving, like sturdy folding fans.


Heatwave systems reduce cloud coverage and usually feature high levels of radiation. Use organic sunblock to protect yourself from the sun when you’re outdoors while also avoiding any harmful chemicals often used in non-organic sunblock.

Sun-blocking gear

If you have to work outdoors during a heatwave, wear sun-blocking gear like hats, sunglasses, long-sleeved clothing and umbrellas. Use these items to protect yourself from the sun’s rays.

Where to buy lab-verified food supplies for your prepping needs

The Health Ranger Store is committed to helping you prepare for different emergencies, such as a heatwave. That’s why we’re proud to introduce lab-verified food supplies for your prepping needs.

Freeze-Dried Organic Mango (Diced) includes mango pieces grown in Mexico under strict organic standards. The freeze-drying method preserves taste, texture and nutrients in mangoes better than any other food preservation method.

Eat the mangoes as a snack, sprinkle them onto cereals, or rehydrate them by soaking them in water.

You can trust that Freeze-Dried Organic Mango (Diced) from the Health Ranger Store is thoroughly lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbes.

Freeze Dried Organic Peas from the Health Ranger Store are non-GMO and grown in the U.S. under strict organic standards.

Freeze Dried Organic Peas are USDA-organic, glyphosate-tested and Kosher-certified. They are also vegan, gluten-free, laboratory-verified and China-free.

Our Health Ranger Select Organic Raw Cashews (Whole & Pieces) are carefully grown under strict organic standards by trusted growers and are not exposed to radiation, fumigation, or toxic chemicals.

Health Ranger Select Organic Raw Cashews (Whole & Pieces) are one of the most versatile organic products you can find on the market. Eat them straight out of the bag or add them to yogurt and trail mix.

Snack on our high-quality organic cashews anytime to boost your intake of protein, healthy fats and antioxidants. You can also soak them in water overnight and blend them to create delicious nut milk at home.

Visit Health Ranger Store and Brighteon Store to find more prepping products for your stockpile. You can also go to Survival.news for more tips on how to prepare for different emergencies.

Click on this link to learn how to make Organic Raw Cashew Milk using Health Ranger Select Organic Raw Cashews (Whole & Pieces).

Watch this clip about the health benefits of eating Organic Mangoes.

This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

Prepping must-haves: Essential items to include in your survival stockpile.

Over 75 million Americans under heat advisories amid massive heat wave.

Power outage preparedness: Staying safe and comfortable during a blackout.

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