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Attention Democrat politicians: Do you still want to ban long guns, or do you like them now, since one was just used for a Trump assassination attempt?
By S.D. Wells // Jul 22, 2024

Orange man bad, long gun good? Liberals and Democrats, are you sure you want to ban all guns now that one was used to try to kill your favorite bad guy? The mass media has been pushing for this for 7 years and running. Comedians and pundits alike have all been green-lighted to call for Trump’s assassination, using social media posts, fake severed heads, and open discussions about it on talk shows. Nobody got banned, censored, defunded, bankrupted or jailed for it. Nobody.

Now, the DC rag, known as the Washington Post, can’t bear to use the word “assassination” in their headline. Must have just been some of those crazy “right-wing” rally folks that came out of the woods with their torches, swastikas and long guns, right Biden? Yes, one of those wild party bullets just so happened to graze by DONALD J. TRUMP’s ear.

Mass media is claiming Trump simply “fell down” after being startled by some “loud noises” (that’s what happens to Biden when little girls scream in horror when he’s sniffing their hair).

For decades, all we hear is how bad guns are for the country, and how they kill people, lots of innocent people dying everywhere, because of the guns. Then, when some crazed Leftist, an extremist, decides to use a long gun to try to assassinate former President Donald J. Trump, the mass media only prints that there were some popping sounds at a Trump rally, and somehow Trump got injured.

We also must question… was the shooter on SSRIs or other anti-depressant psychotherapy drugs? And if so, is that why he missed his “target?”

Another young, white male mass-shooter with an AR has committed an atrocity, and we’re all just waiting for the feds and Dark Brandon to grab a microphone and tell the whole country that it’s the gun’s fault and Americans must surrender all their guns today, in order to save the whole nation from sure self-destruction. Isn’t that the narrative? What it’s really time for is an autopsy of the shooter, to see how jacked up he was on Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) or maybe fentanyl. Is that why he missed an easy target, because most people who know how to aim and shoot a rifle can hit a watermelon from a football field or two away, no problem.

This is a “mass-shooting” by the way, as multiple people are dead, and some critically injured. Will the FBI scrub all the shooter’s social media posts and delete records of his donations to Democrat organizations? Are extreme liberals more dangerous than those crazy white supremacists (staged FBI agents and posers) who raided the Charlottesville protest?

Nearly every single mass shooting over the past three decades, including the shooters committing suicide after they commit multiple homicides, have been young men and teenage boys taking powerful psychotropic drugs for anxiety, depression, ADHD, you name it.

Yes, SSRIs are well-known to cause side effects of horrific violent behaviors, including homicide and suicide. This is well-documented, though mass media and Google search engine suppresses it all, including the journalists and reporters who cover it in their stories about all these shooters responsible for the deaths and injuries at mass shootings.

So, the question remains for Democrats, Liberals and gun-grabbers: Is the long gun “bad” now that it’s been used to try to exterminate “Orange Man Bad?” Do those Americans suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) feel any sympathy, empathy or the plight of a human being who was nearly killed by a deranged psychopath? Was the shooter’s belief system so different from all these extreme liberals posting hate speech and "assassination" posts online? Will the shooter be called a "domestic terrorist" by the mass media? Certainly not.

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