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An Israel vs. Hezbollah War is brewing
By News Editors // Jul 22, 2024

Many mainstream media outlets have started to report on the very real possibility of a war between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel and the Lebanese group Hezbollah (backed by Iran) have been trading fire across their shared border for the past nine months, and if this conflict explodes much further, a global war could ensue.

(Article by Mac Slavo republished from SHTFPlan.com)

If this conflict escalates to all-out war, it would likely quickly dwarf the destruction in Gaza. It would also draw in Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, spread embers around the Middle East, and embroil the United States in yet another massive war. Iran itself could also intervene directly.

The United Nations has warned of a “catastrophe beyond imagination”. For now, a low-level war simmers in the summer heat, along a 120km (75 mile) stretch of border. One spark here could set the Middle East alight, according to a report by the BBC.

On October 8th last year – one day after Hamas gunmen stormed out of Gaza and killed about 1,200 Israelis as well as taking 251 others hostage – Hezbollah joined in, firing at Israeli targets from Lebanon.

The Shia Islamist armed group said it was acting in support of Gaza.

Soon Israel was firing back.

Hezbollah, which is also a political party, is the most powerful force in Lebanon.

Like Hamas, it is classed as a terrorist organization by many countries, including the UK and the US.

But unlike Hamas, Hezbollah has the firepower to seriously threaten Israel. –BBC

Because Hezbollah is backed by Iran and Israel is backed by the U.S., a major war may be well on its way. There are several conflicts brewing all over the world that threaten to plunge the globe into a major World War 3 situation.

Sadly, one of the only things keeping the geopolitical landscape from devolving into a larger war is Russia’s restraint and unwillingness to follow through with threats when its red lines have been repeatedly crossed.

While it definitely feels like a large war is brewing, and it’ll only take one small move from one country to pop it off, it could still be averted. Humanity needs to wake up and realize the ruling classes of the world do not have our best interests in mind, and they won’t be the ones going off to kill and be killed. It’ll be the slave class that has to march to its death to keep rulers in power. Imagine what would happen if every single “employee” of the ruling class and every single slave simply said “no.”

Read more at: SHTFPlan.com

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