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Star Wars actor Mark Hamill ridiculed for criticizing size of Trump’s ear bandage
By News Editors // Jul 18, 2024

Star Wars actor Mark Hamill faced a backlash on X for a bizarre post in which he criticized Donald Trump’s “ludicrously oversized ear bandage.”

(Article republished from Modernity.news)

Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker over 40 years ago and has done very little since, has been suffering a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome for nearly a decade.

This manifested itself once again when the actor appeared to suggest that Trump had deliberately exaggerated the size of the bandage on his ear to garner more sympathy.

“1st APPEARANCE of ludicrously oversized ear bandage, apparently not needed prior to tonight,” Hamill posted alongside an ear emoji and a laughing emoji.

The fact that Trump was nearly shot in the head and lost part of his ear apparently wasn’t something that Hamill considered before posting the tweet.

Respondents didn’t take too kindly to the post.

“These clowns are so deranged they are now nitpicking the size of Trumps BULLET WOUND bandage…,” responded YouTuber TheQuartering.

“Donald Trump literally got shot two days ago and Mark Hamill is criticizing the size of his bandage,” wrote another respondent.

“Meanwhile Joe Biden took a week off to go to Camp David for “Debate Prep” but could hardly put together a single coherent sentence. Brain = broken.”

Perhaps the best response came from a user called @SteveLovesAmmo.

“Your dude hid in a basement during a “pandemic” that had a 99.8% survival rate. Trump is out in public hours after being shot by one of the lunatics in your party,” he wrote.

“Sit this one out pussy.”

As we previously highlighted, Hamill was also ridiculed for asserting back in April that “Joe Biden is the best president we’ve ever had.”

Read more at: Modernity.news

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