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Biden says he might reconsider dropping out if his doctors advise that a medical condition warrants it
By Laura Harris // Jul 18, 2024

President Joe Biden has revealed that he might reconsider his bid for reelection if advised by his doctors that a medical condition warranted such a decision.

In an interview with Ed Gordon of BET News on July 17, the 81-year-old president claimed that his doctors, including White House physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor, have found him fit to serve. In fact, O'Connor described him as a "healthy, active, robust, 81-year-old male who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency" in his February physical assessment. (Related: White House in DAMAGE CONTROL mode after Biden-Trump debate as 80% of voters say incumbent is "too old to run.")

However, his lackluster performance in the recent CNN presidential debate with former President Donald Trump has raised massive concerns, including among Democrats, regarding his health. This, in turn, has led to increased calls from within his own party and its influential megadonors for him to step aside and give way for a new, younger nominee. Biden has so far resisted these calls.

During the BET News interview, Gordon asked Biden if any circumstances might lead him to reconsider his campaign.

"If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem," Biden said.

Biden also acknowledged his "mistakes" in the presidential debate and stressed that he would reconsider his decision if a medical assessment warranted it. He also revealed that he had initially intended to serve only one term but decided to run again because he believed in his ability to heal the divisions across the United States.

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"You may remember, Ed, I said I was going to be a transitional candidate, and I thought I would be able to move on from this and pass it on to somebody else," the president said. "But I didn’t anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. And quite frankly, I think the only thing age brings is a little bit of wisdom."

His remarks suggest he had considered his 2020 campaign a bridge to a new generation of Democratic leaders, a sentiment that resonated with many at the time. Nonetheless, his political advisers have since implied that the transition period could span eight years, extending through a potential second term.

"I think I've demonstrated that I know how to get things done for the country in spite of the fact that we were told we couldn't get it done," he said. "But there's more to do, and I'm reluctant to walk away from that."

Biden: Only divine intervention would compel me to drop out

Previously, Biden stated in a 22-minute candid interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News that only divine intervention would compel him to drop out.

"If the Lord Almighty comes out and tells me that I might do that," Biden said.

He claimed that no one else could convince him to quit the race and even blamed the flu for his underwhelming performance. At that time, Biden assured the public that there was no real cause for concern, dismissing the event as a "bad night."

"I was feeling terrible. As a matter of fact, the docs with me I asked if they did a COVID test, they were trying to figure out what's wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, a virus. I didn't. I just had a really bad cold," he explained.

Biden also reiterated that he undergoes "a full neurological test every day." However, when asked whether he had consulted a neurologist or undergone an independent medical evaluation, he became evasive.

During the whole time of the interview, which aired unedited, Biden attempted to underscore his qualifications. He then later mentioned he would consider stepping down if aides provided irrefutable proof that he couldn't win.

"I don't think anyone is more qualified," he told Stephanopoulos.

Head over to JoeBiden.news for more stories related to the declining mental state of the incumbent president.

Watch the video below about Dr. Peter McCullough's analysis of Biden's neurological decline.

This video is from the Moms On A Mission channel on Brighteon.com.

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