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NANNY VEHICLES: New cars in Europe to automatically reduce engine power if driver is speeding
By Ethan Huff // Jul 15, 2024

The surveillance state is expanding in Europe after new rules came into effect on July 7, 2024, that force automobile manufacturers to control how fast people are allowed to drive their own new cars.

From now on, all new cars sold in Europe must be outfitted with Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) systems that automatically limit vehicle speeds to match legal limits. A massive network of GPS and cameras will ensure compliance.

"The system alerts drivers to slow down and can reduce engine power if limits are exceeded," reported Great Game India about the change, noting that it was hatched by European Union (EU) leaders, many of whom are unelected.

The official claim from government officials is that ISA systems will reduce accidents and fatalities. Opponents say this is not the case as they further warn that ISA systems will interfere with driver control and vehicle reliability, which will only cause more problems for European society.

For now, the United Kingdom is exempt from the rule, though there is chatter that UK officials will follow suit with their own version of the same law in the coming days.

(Related: Ever since Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] "vaccines" were unleashed through Operation Warp Speed, "vaccidents" on roadways have soared.)

Total authoritarian control

A combination of GPS data, satellite navigation, speed sign recognition cameras and forward-facing cameras will now be used to determine how fast a car should go in a given area. If a driver tries to exceed the posted speed, the ISA system on his car will kick in and slow the car.

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Drivers on the M1, for instance, would be limited to a maximum speed of 70 mph. Should a driver push the gas pedal beyond that speed, ISA technology automatically reduces engine power until compliance with the posted speed limit is achieved.

As most drivers probably know, there are times when one might need to exceed the posted speed limit for safety reasons, i.e., to swerve around an out-of-control vehicle in order to avoid a major accident. ISA systems will prevent drivers from protecting themselves by limiting their speed regardless of driving conditions.

All of this is happening thanks to a 2019 ruling by the European Parliament to mandate ISA technology as a way to make society "safer." The European Transport Safety Council claims that ISA technology may reduce car crashes by 30 percent and injuries by 20 percent with the eventual goal of eliminating all road deaths by 2050.

Starting on July 6, 2022, all new vehicle models released to the market for the first time had to include ISA technology. Now, as of July 7, 2024, all new vehicles period will need to comply with the ISA technology mandate.

"This means that manufacturers will have to install the technology on some older cars, such as the Volkswagen Touran, which has been on sale in its current iteration since 2015," Great Game India explains.

The UK's Department of Transport (DfT) has said that for now it will not be enforcing any kind of speed-limiting technology across its jurisdiction. That could eventually change, though.

"We are constantly carrying out research into how transport users across all modes can benefit from the latest technology, ensuring journeys are safe, reliable and cut emissions," said a representative from DfT.

Even without an ISA technology mandate in place, it is likely that vehicle manufacturers will voluntarily install it in UK models. Volvo started installing speed limiters on all new cars sold in the UK in early 2020, for instance, when everyone was distracted by and panicking about the COVID "plandemic."

Authoritarian control over others is the only thing the globalists know. Learn more at Globalism.news.

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