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Hospice society to provide “guardian angels” to protect sick Canadians from being euthanized against their will
By Olivia Cook // Jul 15, 2024

A hospice society in Canada has launched a program called "Guardian Angels" aimed at protecting Canadians from possibly being euthanized against their will.

Founded in 1991 in British Columbia, the Delta Hospice Society (DHS) is trying to support ill and vulnerable Canadians within the health care system by providing them with trained volunteer advocates who prioritize the sanctity of life over euthanasia and offer compassionate support. These "angels" ensure patients receive proper health care and palliative care while safeguarding them from pressures related to the country's euthanasia program, known as Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). (Related: Disabled Canadian man reveals he’s been offered EUTHANASIA multiple times by hospital staff.)

"We are seeking patients in hospitals, hospices, long-term care, palliative care or those with chronic or terminal illnesses who would like an 'angel,'" said DHS President Angelina Ireland.

Ireland explained that the past three years have been tough for the Society. Despite the setbacks, the DHS has relied on patience and faith to continue offering programs like "Guardian Angels," consistent with their commitment to providing palliative care and protecting life. Patients or their families can contact DHS to request an "angel."

Delta Hospice Society facing opposition from pro-euthanasia government authorities

DHS has faced strong opposition from provincial and federal authorities in recent years due to its staunch opposition to euthanasia. In 2018, the British Columbia government required the organization to permit medically assisted deaths on-site at their 10-bed facility or risk losing provincial funding and the facility itself, which was built with community donations.

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In response to DHS's refusal to comply with provincial MAID policy, the Fraser Health Authority (FHA), one of British Columbia's publicly funded health care regions, terminated its funding agreement on February 25, 2021. This decision affected DHS's operation of the Irene Thomas Hospice, where 94 percent of costs were covered annually by the contract.

British Columbia Minister of Health Adrian Dix stated: "We have tried to support the board to meet compliance, but they have been clear they won’t. Regrettably, we are taking this step. When DHS concludes its role, patients in publicly funded hospice care will fully access their medical rights."

In 2016, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau legalized MAID for Canadians who meet specific criteria. British Columbia then developed a policy requiring hospices with beds more than 50 percent publicly funded to allow MAID access.

Dix emphasized the government's efforts to support DHS in meeting compliance but acknowledged the society's stance. He assured that publicly funded hospice care rights would be fully accessible once DHS's role concluded.

Dix emphasized: "I strongly support hospice care and have expanded it across the province. We will ensure Delta has hospice care. We may manage Irene Thomas Hospice publicly, considering Delta's significant financial contributions. Alternatively, we could explore another Delta site. In either scenario, Delta will maintain these 10 hospice beds."

Over the past three years, over 3,000 British Columbians have chosen MAID, with most opting to do so at home, in long-term care facilities or in hospices. (Related: Anti-euthanasia group vows to keep fighting Trudeau government’s plan to include mentally ill people in ASSISTED SUICIDE program.)

Since its legalization, nearly 65,000 Canadians have died by lethal injection, with approximately 16,000 deaths in 2023 alone. Concerns have been raised that the real numbers could be higher due to potential manipulation of official statistics. Recently, Statistics Canada acknowledged excluding euthanasia from its death totals, even though it ranks as the sixth-highest cause of death in the country.

Visit Euthanasia. news for more stories like this.

Watch this video introducing the history of the Delta Hospice Society.

This video is from the Daily Videos channel on Brighteon.com.

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