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Biden insiders say post-debate fallout “already disastrous” for fundraising efforts
By Ethan Huff // Jul 15, 2024

The money pipeline from wealthy donors to President Joe Biden's 2024 presidential campaign is drying up as the world's collective jaw is still on the ground since the CNN "debate."

Four sources described as being "close to the reelection effort" told the media that Biden's campaign is seeing a massive drop-off in donations with more financial carnage soon on the way.

"It's already disastrous," one of the sources involved in fundraising for Biden said.

"The money has absolutely shut off," one of the others also confirmed.

Two of the sources confirmed that the money pipeline this month is expected to be down by half "or much more" from large donors alone based on current trends. Small donors are likewise cutting Biden off from their money as well.

"Donors are negative," a person close to the campaign said, referencing a recent national fundraising call that took place between Biden and a number of major donors.

"They had a call with the president. The call seemed so contrived to people. I don't think they buy it. They called on people who were the most loyal, diehard … there were no tough questions for the president."

(Related: House Republicans insist that Biden is "unfit" for office as they accuse Democrats of a mental decline "coverup.")

In DENIAL: the official Biden campaign is doubling down, says "the big guy" is just fine – and so are his donations

In the immediate aftermath of the debate, strangely, there was an uptick in donations for Biden. Then, the whole thing fell off a cliff once Biden's dismal performance really set in within the minds of his most diehard, yet naive, fans and supporters.

Apparently, and this is almost hard to believe, there are people out there who say they had no clue that Biden was mentally ill until seeing the debate. The independent media has been reporting on Biden's dementia for years, but only now is the rest of the world catching up.

The Biden campaign is doubling down on its narrative that Biden is in tip-top shape mentally, as well as the claim that donations are still up even if the actual numbers prove otherwise.

"That's not accurate," shot back Biden campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt when asked about how fundraising has dropped off a cliff. "On grassroots fundraising, the first seven days of July were the best start to the month on the campaign – and many of those were first-time donors. On the high-dollar side, we've had folks max out since the debate as well."

Hitt conveniently failed to reveal how many donors allegedly reached their maximum allowance for giving under federal law since the "debate."

As for the major donors who publicly promised to jump ship unless Biden resigns and drops out of the race, the Biden campaign says these people will eventually come around and agree to send their hard-earned cash to the Biden Crime Family.

"If major donors don't come along, we'll do it without them," Biden aides have reportedly also said in private, pretending to be strong.

One major Biden donor said he fears Biden's reelection effort will go the same way that Hillary Clinton's did in 2016. Arguably, it already went that way in 2020 minus the voter fraud.

"Donors, they are saying, 'Well, wait a minute, which polls is he looking at?'" the same donor said in a recent media interview. "Which polls should we be looking at?"

"It's a broader, 'Is the group around the president really in touch with what's going on?' Are people deluding themselves? And therefore, whatever they're conveying is sort of a reflection of the bubble?"

The latest news about the clown show 2024 election cycle can be found at Rigged.news.

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