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Douglas Murray to Ben Shapiro: Western civilization would ‘die’ without Israel
By News Editors // Jul 11, 2024

Gay neocon Douglas Murray told Ben Shapiro in an interview released Sunday that Western civilization would "die" without Israel and argued that Jewish lives are worth more than those of Christians.

(Article by Chris Menahan republished from InformationLiberation.com)

"Douglas Murray tells Ben Shapiro that the murder of 15 million Jews would be a greater tragedy than the murder of 15 million Christians because Western civilization would perish without Israel," AF Post reported.

"Western civilization could not survive the destruction of the Jewish state, because it would be, among much else, the cutting away of the whole tree we're on. And Western civilization would die," Murray said in the clip. "Could America survive if the Jewish people were no more on its watch, or everybody was forcibly deported from the Holy Land? Come on. Of course not."

Murray didn't bother to elaborate much on his doomsday prediction but I find it particularly interesting in the context of the "Samson Option" -- Israel's plan to fire off all their nukes and initiate a global nuclear holocaust if their existence is threatened.

In the wake of October 7th, Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin both issued not-so-veiled threats suggesting Israel could use the Samson Option.

At the core of Israel's military doctrine is the pledge to annihilate the entire world if their 76-year-old experiment with a Jewish state goes awry (knowing full well that no Jewish "state" has ever existed longer than 80 years).

The only possible reason that "Western civilization would perish without Israel" would be because they nuked us all in the name of "wiping out Amalek."

Read more at: InformationLiberation.com

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