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The left is coming undone
By News Editors // Jul 10, 2024

We now have a trend on the left: confusion.  Leftists have fallen into an abyss.  They are in the middle of full-throated chaos.

(Article by David Prentice republished from AmericanThinker.com)

Couldn’t happen to a nicer group.

There has been this idea the left never makes mistakes, never falls into the whirlpools of self-destruction.  Some on the right had begun to think of leftists as infallible.  That’s one reason we are so feckless in countering their nonsense.  They make themselves appear smarter and more powerful than they really are.

And here they are, caught.  Their timing couldn’t be worse.  Even better, they are facing choices that are not just difficult, but each choice will cause more problems.

Look at the confusion since the debate. Many of the party media apparatchiks immediately shared the truth: Joe had been a disaster.  They became gloomy, donning sackcloth and groveling.  Then Obama came out with his “one bad debate” line.  Party bigs began using that same talking point, and all was well...really...

Hillary said she was behind Joe all the way.  The campaign said Joe had a cold.  Jill scolded America and her Cabinet for believing there was a problem.

Then it changed.  Nancy Pelosi asking if this was an episode or a condition.  It was reported that Obama was fine with an open convention to pick the nominee.  Many other Democrats continue to say Joe may not be up to it after all, and he should step down.

Confusion reigns.

This has no easy fix — mainly because all their choices in this matter have negatives.  Each one carries deep, difficult problems.

Read more at: AmericanThinker.com

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