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WATCH: Speech from new NEA teachers’ union head Becky Pringle sounds like scene from IDIOCRACY
By Ethan Huff // Jul 10, 2024

In an apparent dramatic reenactment of character Dwight Schrute's dictatorial acceptance speech in Season 2, Episode 17 of "The Office" (watch the clip from the show below), National Education Association (NEA) head Becky Pringle moaned and wailed at the recent teachers' union Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA) gathering in Philadelphia about how NEA members need to "win all the things."

Pringle's speech looked and sounded just like Schrute's above as she banged her podium, flailed her hands in the air, and screamed repeatedly at the raucous audience about how important it is to her for the NEA to "win all the things."

"NEA delegates: we can do this work!" Pringle yelled. "We must do this work! We get to do this work! We will do this work because our students are depending on us to win all the things!"

"NEA: we have to win all the things! All the things! All the things! Our colleagues are depending on us to win all the things! Keep going, NEA, to preserve our democracy! We must win all the things! Delegates: we won't go back! We will keep going forward because we are the NEA! We are the NEA! And that's what we do!"

(Related: Remember when the NEA was caught destroying evidence of transgender grooming at American public schools?)

It's time to abolish the Department of Education

What Pringle meant by "win all the things" is that she wants to transform the entire U.S. public education system into a social justice assembly line where students are brainwashed into hating white people, opposing law enforcement, and turning America into a communist country rebuilt on "equity."

Pringle further yelled that her goal is "to unite not just our members but the nation (and) to reclaim public education as a common good, as the foundation of our democracy, and then transform it into something it was never designed to be – a racially and socially just and equitable system."

"We worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt White House, but the reality is that the seeds that were sown during that horrible season continue to germinate," she continued, referring to the first presidential term of Donald Trump.

Trump, as you may recall, talked a lot during his first campaign about abolishing the Department of Education. Pringle obviously does not want that to happen because then she would be out of a very lucrative job that allowed her to collected $500,000 during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" while she fought tooth and nail to keep public schools closed.

"These power-hungry control freaks think they own your kids," said school choice advocate Corey DeAngelis about Pringle's "off-the-rails" speech. "Becky Pringle pulled a Dwight Schrute. "They're in a cult that worships government and detests parents. It's time to defund teachers' unions and allow the money to follow the child."

"She is off the rails and desperate to maintain control over the minds of other people's children."

The Schrute bit, by the way, was inspired by real speeches once delivered by Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, whom Pringle apparently identifies with as she copied his likeness for her speech to the NEA.

"Her overwrought, hyper-partisan tirade amounted to an advertisement for school choice," added Heritage Foundation research fellow Jason Bedrick in a statement to Fox News Digital.

More related news about the destruction of America under the weight of far-left insanity can be found at Collapse.news.

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