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Mainstream media claims Biden is still “sharp” at 81, just “forgetful”
By Belle Carter // Jul 07, 2024

The New York City-based media agency Associated Press (AP) is in the middle of controversy following an article it published titled "Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful."

Social media users were quick to air their sentiments on X, the platform previously known as Twitter, targeting the news outlet for its obvious cover-up of President Joe Biden's gaffes and blunders, signaling the president's slowly deteriorating cognitive state due to old age and alleged medications and drug use.

The article was posted on the evening of Wednesday, July 3, and was updated the next day. It tackled the most recent debate face-off between Biden and presumptive GOP nominee and former President Donald Trump, where the former's performance was widely panned as confused and mumbling.

"The June 27 face-off alarmed Democrats and his financial backers, in part, because Biden seemed so much worse than during the almost routine moments when he's less sharp. And that has raised questions about whether he's up for a campaign that's only going to get nastier and whether he can effectively govern for another four years if he wins," AP reported.

"We understand the concerns. We get it," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said this week. As some Democratic leaders called on him to drop out of the presidential race, Jean-Pierre insisted Biden had no intention of stepping away from the campaign. "The president is clear-eyed and he is staying in the race." She also claimed that "jet lag" was the cause of his poor debate performance. (Related: Biden will not withdraw from presidential race despite calls for a replacement candidate from the Democratic Party.)

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"He is often sharp and focused," the AP article indicated of Biden. "But he also has moments, particularly later in the evening, when his thoughts seem jumbled and he trails off mid-sentence or seems confused. Sometimes he doesn't grasp the finer points of policy details. He occasionally forgets people's names, stares blankly and moves slowly around the room."

On X, the Libs of TikTok account commented: "Nobody is falling for this BS anymore."

Another user posted: "When news orgs try and push this 'sharp' nonsense, it no longer feels like just normal partisan bias, but insulting arrogance."

"AP in 2024: accurate and fair but sometimes partisan and shoddy," another commenter posted.

Public concern about Biden's fitness for another four years of presidency never subsided. According to an August 2023 poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 77 percent of adults in the United States believe that Biden was too old to be effective for four more years. Not only did 89 percent of Republicans say that, but so did 69 percent of Democrats.

White House press corps denies covering up Biden's mental state

After Biden's lackluster performance during the CNN debate, concerns were raised about whether the White House press corps dropped the ball on fully covering the POTUS' limitations.

The debate laid bare many of the concerns on the president's mental state such as his having good days and bad days but sometimes seeming to slip up. A New York Times report raised similar concerns by those who have recently been in the room with Biden. The news outlet reported Biden has more frequent "lapses," although at other times he appears sharp.

Nearly every media outlet has reported on growing concerns about Biden's age well before the debate. The White House has always complained that the coverage is disproportionate and that the media is spending more time covering Biden's age than his accomplishments as president.

But there are also claims that the media has not covered Biden's mental fitness more aggressively because it wants to prop up the campaign in some way, an accusation the White House reporters denied.

Several White House reporters told CNN that the coverage of Biden's age and his mental stamina should have pushed harder. They cited several difficulties in doing so before the debate, from the obvious political motivations of sources who either wanted to protect Biden's image or project a certain image, to the blowback from pursuing such reports, especially from the White House and Democrats.

The administration has also insisted that concerns over Biden's age was just a "right-wing talking point."

"The right-wing media was calling him senile from day one and that wasn't true," the reporter said. "Then whenever you report on the age you were in some ways solidifying, giving credence to some people that were actually of bad faith."

All the White House reporters who were sources for this story spoke on the condition of staying anonymous so they could speak more freely about their relationship with the White House.

Visit JoeBiden.news for stories related to the president's recent controversial blunders.

Watch the video below where Biden admits to mistakes committed during the first presidential debate.

This video is from the TrendingNews channel on Brighteon.com.

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