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EU justifies Antifa vicious hammer attacks in Hungary because anti-fascism represents “democracy”
By Ethan Huff // Jul 05, 2024

An angry feminist "anti-fascist" (Antifa) from Italy who, ahem, really looks the part is being let off the hook for her involvement in several vicious hammer attacks on people in Hungary simply because she was just elected to the European Union (EU) parliament.

Ilaria Salis, a citizen-turned-politician, was arrested and put in prison while awaiting trial after she was previously identified as a member of the violent Antifa "hammer gang" that assaulted and left for dead multiple people who supposedly looked like "fascists." Now that she has MEP status, Salis has immunity through the EU, and will now be released from prison.

Check out the below video to see what Salis and her gang did to innocent people in Hungary after they spied on and surveilled their victims before ultimately launching an attack:

(Related: Remember back during the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] "pandemic" when Reuters became the public relations arm for Antifa?)

The leftist cancer controlling Europe

According to reports, the planned trial for Salis is not going ahead as planned because her supporters in Italy launched a huge campaign to free her.

"It is painful that even the right-wing Italian government in power in Rome got involved in the Salis case, criticizing the conditions of her detention," reported RMX.news.

"The left, of course, went even further, claiming that Salis had to spend her daily life among mice."

It turns out that the prison conditions for Salis were not that bad after all. Even so, she was allowed to leave prison and return home and no longer has to face any retribution for her crimes.

What has ended up transpiring from there is that the case got blown out of proportion to become a fight between "civilized" western Europe (Italy) and "uncivilized" eastern Europe (Hungary).

"Whether said or unsaid, Salis' martyr role could only be constructed – by 'exploding' the falsely established intolerable prison conditions – if it is understood in the context of a background comparison between developed Western Europe and 'uncivilized' Hungary, which allegedly does not respect European values," is how RMX.news put it.

Sadly, the victims of Salis and her hammer gang will not receive justice because in the eyes of "elitist" Italy, they are not even worth mentioning in the news as real human beings. The only thing Italians are being told by their EU leaders is that Salis was "persecuted" by an "uncivilized" country, and that is that.

Take the following statement from Angelo Bonelli, spokesman for Salis' AVS party, which illustrates the delusional mindset of lawless leftists who only value the lives of their own:

"Salis will fight for democracy, the rule of law and civil rights in Europe, and she will start her work with Hungary."

In other words, Salis is now planning to punish Hungary for trying to hold her accountable for her crimes. Salis belongs back in prison, but instead she will rule with an iron fist over Europe from the globalist-controlled EU.

"The Hungarian judges can still ask for the waiver of the immunity," one X user wrote. "And I hope they will do it since they have clear images in videos where Salis is undoubtedly seen belonging to the criminal group hitting the poor victim."

More related news can be found at Corruption.news.

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