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U.S. Embassy in Beirut tells Americans: DON’T TRAVEL to Lebanon
By Richard Brown // Jul 03, 2024

With tensions escalating between Israel and Hezbollah, the U.S. Embassy in Beirut has issued a heightened travel advisory for American citizens considering travel to Lebanon.

The advisory strongly advises against travel to Lebanon, particularly in southern regions and border areas with Syria, and cautions against visiting refugee settlements.

In the event of sudden outbreaks of violence or armed conflict, the notice emphasizes that neither the Lebanese government nor the U.S. Embassy can ensure the safety of U.S. citizens. Several European nations have also advised their nationals to evacuate Lebanon.

Recent weeks have witnessed escalating tit-for-tat strikes along the Israel-Lebanon border, with Israeli attacks extending deeper into Lebanese territory and increasing in frequency. (Related: Israel OKs plans for ALL-OUT WAR in Lebanon to wipe out Hezbollah.)

The Pentagon anticipates a potential escalation and has positioned U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon. This includes deploying the USS Wasp, an amphibious assault ship and Marines from the 24th Expeditionary Unit into the eastern Mediterranean. Their readiness is aimed at supporting Military Assisted Departure operations and other contingencies.

Simultaneously, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are conducting extensive drills along the northern border with Lebanon.

These drills, which involve combat simulations and strategic planning, have been intensified following Israeli government approval of potential war plans against Hezbollah.

The IDF's maneuvers include scenarios of a broader offensive response to ongoing Hezbollah drone and rocket launches into northern Israel.

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The IDF's operations encompass diverse combat scenarios, including engagements in complex terrains simulating northern routes and mountainous regions, involving infantry, armor and fire forces. The presence of units like the 55th Reserve Paratroopers Brigade underscores Israel's preparation for significant military actions, potentially including operations in southern Lebanon.

This military buildup and the strategic movements of both U.S. and Israeli forces indicate a heightened state of readiness amid concerns over a possible escalation in hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, with implications for regional stability and international security.

Iran warns Israel against full-scale military actions in Lebanon

Meanwhile, Iran has issued a stark warning to Israel against potential full-scale military actions in Lebanon, cautioning that such actions could escalate into a devastating conflict, as conveyed by Iran's United Nations mission.

The mission stated that all options, including full engagement of various resistance groups aligned with Iran across the region, are on the table.

Describing Israel's threats against Hezbollah in Lebanon as psychological warfare and propaganda, the mission emphasized the gravity of the situation along the border, which has witnessed daily exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah since the onset of the Gaza conflict on October 7.

Tensions escalated notably when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated preparations for what he termed "a very tense operation" along the Lebanese border.

Shortly thereafter, Israeli warplanes conducted a series of attacks on Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, including military sites and infrastructure facilities, according to reports from the Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant clarified that while Israel prefers a political resolution, it remains prepared for all scenarios, including conflict with Hezbollah. He underscored Israel's military readiness and capability to inflict significant damage on Lebanon if war were to break out.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah responded to the escalating tensions by warning of an unrestrained and unbounded war in case of a major Israeli offensive against Lebanon, stating that there would be "no restraint, no rules and no ceilings" in such a conflict.

Head over to WWIII.news to get more updates on the escalating conflict in the Middle East.

Watch this report from "Grafted In The Vine" discussing Israel's escalating cross-border strikes on targets in Lebanon.

This video is from the Grafted In The Vine channel on Brighteon.com.

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