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Hunter Biden’s law license suspended in D.C.
By News Editors // Jul 01, 2024

Hunter Biden’s law license has been suspended in Washington, D.C.

(Article by Anthony T republished from WLTReport.com)

In a new order, the D.C. Court of Appeals ruled Hunter Biden’s law license will be suspended immediately.

The court also directed D.C. Bar’s Board on Professional Responsibility to begin a proceeding to decide “the nature of the offense and whether it involves moral turpitude.”

Hunter Biden’s license suspension comes due to being convicted on federal gun charges.

Here’s what The Hill reported:

Hunter Biden’s license to practice law in Washington, D.C. was suspended Tuesday following his conviction on federal gun charges earlier this month.

In a terse order, the D.C. Court of Appeals said that President Biden’s son is “suspended immediately” from practicing law in the nation’s capital. It also directed the D.C. Bar’s Board on Professional Responsibility to conduct a formal proceeding to determine “the nature of the offense and whether it involves moral turpitude.”

Under D.C. law, lawyers must be disbarred if convicted of such crimes. Hunter Biden’s license will likely remain suspended until a “final judgment of conviction” has been certified, after which he could lose his law license for good.

A jury of 12 Delaware residents convicted Hunter Biden of three felony counts earlier this month, each stemming from his 2018 purchase of a Colt Cobra 38 SPL revolver. On a federal gun purchase form, he checked “no” when asked if he used or was addicted to illegal drugs.

Then, he unlawfully possessed the firearm for 11 days.

The trial revolved largely around Hunter Biden’s well-documented addiction to crack cocaine and featured testimony from his daughter, ex-wife and late brother Beau Biden’s widow, with whom he had a brief relationship.

Per Fox News:

Hunter Biden’s license to practice law in the District of Columbia was suspended following a jury finding him guilty in his criminal gun trial earlier this month.

As of Tuesday morning, Biden is “suspended immediately from the practice of law” in Washington, D.C., pending a formal proceeding that will determine whether to uphold the suspension. The District of Columbia Court of Appeals E-filing system shows the order was filed on Tuesday.

The Office of the Disciplinary Counsel in Washington, D.C., sent a letter to the D.C. Court of Appeals last week seeking to suspend Biden’s license after his guilty verdict on June 11.

The suspension only affects his ability to practice law in Washington, D.C.

Read more at: WLTReport.com

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