Smart meters, also known as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), are digital devices designed to monitor and transmit real-time data on electricity, gas or water consumption to utility companies. These devices are constantly providing utility companies with private data. Advocates of the technology argue that smart meters enhance efficiency and allow for more accurate billing. However, an advocacy group called the New Mexicans for Utility Safety, show proof that the RF radiation emitted by smart meters poses serious health risks.
PNM has filed three applications with the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission, asking to modernize the grid with the smart meter technology. Their latest attempt on October 2022 was met with strong opposition from the public. However, the Commission ignored the public comments on the issue. During the hearing, the Commission claimed that public comments “will not be considered as evidence in this proceeding.”
New Mexicans for Utility Safety fired back and said that “public comments should be considered in evaluating PNM’s Cost Benefit Analysis.” Their latest filing challenges PNM's grid modernization plan, arguing that PNM has neglected to adequately address the health and environmental implications of smart meters in its regulatory filings. Moreover, they criticize the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission for allegedly dismissing public comments regarding these concerns during a recent public hearing. PNM has defended its modernization plans, asserting that smart meters are essential for enhancing grid efficiency and customer service.
According to the legal brief, which gives reference to public comments on the matter, numerous individuals have reported adverse health effects shortly after smart meters were installed in their homes. Elizabeth Foley Walsh shared her experience shortly after a smart meter was installed near her home in North Carolina. She quickly developed severe headaches and dizziness, which were later diagnosed as temporal lobe seizures.
Deirdre Novella, another commentator cited in the brief, alleged that exposure to smart meters at her workplace contributed to symptoms of radiation poisoning and a subsequent leukemia diagnosis. Novella wants to see smart meters banned in New Mexico, and says the state should remain a safe haven from smart meters due to growing awareness of RF radiation exposure.
In addition to health concerns, the legal brief also addresses the impact of smart meters on wildlife. Commentators have noticed a decrease in bee, bird and frog populations following smart meter installations on their properties.
The legal brief urges the Commission to consider the cumulative impact of smart meters on public health and wildlife in its decision-making process. It calls for a comprehensive evaluation that includes input from affected individuals and rigorous examination of scientific evidence related to RF radiation and its potential consequences.
For up-to-date information on RF and tracking technology, visit SmartMeters.News.
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