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Trump: Biden is “providing material support for terrorism”
By News Editors // Jun 19, 2024

During a speech in Florida Friday night, Donald Trump charged that Joe Biden is aiding terrorist activity by refusing to enforce border security. 

(Article by Steve Watson republished from Modernity.news)

“Under Biden, there’s been a 3,000 percent increase in the number of people on the terror watchlist crossing into our country from the southern border – 3,000 percent,” Trump continued.

He added, “that comes from the Border Patrol. Our country is going to pay a steep price for many, many years. This is a terrible thing that’s happened.”

It is clear at this point that any kind of vetting process at the border has gone out of the window.

Indeed, eight suspected terrorists from Tajikistan were arrested in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles last weekend.

They are suspected to have ties with ISIS and came over the southern border.

As we have previously highlighted, untold numbers of terrorists have already crossed into the country unimpeded. They’re even being caught and released again.

Trump has warned that “an army” of illegal immigrants from all over the world is being assembled by America’s enemies to be readied for attacks “from within” the country.

“I think they want to get us from within. I think they’re building an army… they have something in mind,” he recently asserted.

Trump’s full Friday speech is below:

Read more at: Modernity.news

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