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Update from Japan on the biological tsunami about to strike across the globe
By News Editors // Jun 18, 2024

Very important update from Japan on the Replicon mRNA shots that will threaten a biological tsunami on the entire world. From the interview on the Jim Fergusson Show.

(Article by Michael Yon republished from MichaelYon.Substack.com)

"Those who become infected are being referred to as "replicons" They will go on to infect everyone who gets near them and will in turn infect others.

The term "Replicons" will be the term used to describe those who take the shot and replicate the spike shedding and cause massive infection in other people who they come into contact with us.

The globalists are planning to inject thousands with a self replicating mRNA variant gene editing shot in a football stadium in Yokohama that seats 40,000 people and which that is designed to cause massive spike shedding of the most dangerous kind."

WATCH: https://x.com/i/status/1801906055649141141

Read more at: MichaelYon.Substack.com

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