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Burn an American flag? No problem. Deface an LGBT flag? PRISON TIME
By Ethan Huff // Jun 17, 2024

A trio of teenagers from Spokane, Wash., is facing felony charges after the boys were caught making their mark on a giant LGBT flag mural on the street.

Ruslan Turko, 19, along with two other teenagers who are underage allegedly rode their scooters over a freshly painted LGBT street mural, leaving marks all over it. They were arrested and charged with first-degree "malicious mischief," the penalty for which could be up to 10 years in prison.

On top of that, prosecutors are asking for $15,000 bail, this despite the fact that the boys harmed nobody – all they did was speak their truth in a public place atop a gargantuan shrine to perversion that quite frankly has no business being painted on a public street in the first place.

Keep in mind that there are no penalties for burning or defecating on an American flag, nor can someone get in trouble for spitting on a veteran (unless the veteran can successfully argue that the spitting constituted assault).

"In America, you can spit on Vietnam veterans, defecate on the U.S. flag, threaten the lives of U.S. Supreme Court Justices, mock Christianity, and burn entire cities to the ground in the name of a career felon," reported Revolver.

"But if you dare to trample on the rainbow flag, oh, there will be serious hell to pay, mister."

(Related: A prominent biologist claims that AIDS is not caused by HIV but rather by the "gay lifestyle.")

Freedom is dying

The massive street mural devoted to "the kinky homosexual lifestyle" and other LGBT perversions is a centerpiece in downtown Spokane. Visitors are expected to honor it at all times or else face charges of a "hate crime."

When witnesses at nearby O'Doherty's Irish Grille on Spokane Falls Boulevard and Howard Street saw the boys riding around on Lime scooters purposely making skid marks on the LGBT flag mural, they called the police. From there, the boys were arrested and taken in for questioning.

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A similar incident occurred back in February when a Florida teen was arrested and charged with felony criminal mischief for leaving tire burnout marks on a perversion flag painted in the middle of an intersection in that state.

Again, it is perfectly okay in America today to burn the American flag near the White House on Independence Day:

It is not, however, okay to ride your vehicle, bike or scooter in a "mean" way across a giant perversion flag painted on a public right-of-way funded by taxpayers, many of whom oppose LGBT perversion.

"This type of forced, government-mandated behavior is akin to Taliban-level religious tyranny," Revolver warns about the double standard for LGBT. "It's the left's version of Sharia Law and should be called 'Rainbow Law.'"

"That's how incredibly dangerous and stifling the LGBTQ+++ movement has become – all by design. It was never about just 'holding hands in public' and tax breaks. The LBGTQ+++ movement, like everything on the left, is about power, control, and regulating thoughts and behavior, much like your typical run-of-the-mill Islamic radical."

LGBT is a dangerous religious cult. Learn more at Gender.news.

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