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Trump goes full Revolver, calls out Ray Epps, Scaffold Commander and the fedsurrection lie in barnburner speech
By News Editors // Jun 13, 2024

All of the sham indictments and convictions in the world are not enough to slow down Donald Trump. Even by his own rarified standards, Donald Trump was in particularly rare form at a recent barnburner rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. Trump must have sent shivers down some spines in the FBI with his impromptu riff on January 6—specifically, Ray Epps, Scaffold Commander, and some of the other notorious Fedsurrection villains Revolver News has exposed in its myriad classic investigative pieces.

(Article republished from Revolver.news)

Ray Epps’ name has of course largely become synonymous with the Fedsurrection scam that the regime has used not only as a pretext to weaponize the national security state against “domestic terrorist” Trump supporters but more recently to at least one of the many criminal indictments against Trump and the as-yet unsuccessful efforts to remove his name from ballots.

We have posted a short compilation of Epps’ behavior on January 6th below.

Epps’ behavior was so egregious that he was one of the first twenty people added to the FBI’s January 6th most wanted list. In a New York Times video compilation called “Day of Rage,” the footage of Epps is featured prominently to suggest that the January 6th insurrection was planned in advance, which makes sense as Epps is the only person caught on camera repeatedly urging crowds to storm the Capitol as early as the evening of January 5th. Shortly after Revolver News ran its first major piece questioning federal involvement on January 6th, however, the tune changed. Epps was quietly taken off the most-wanted list, and the New York Times eventually wrote a fully-dedicated puff piece about him.

What a remarkable thing indeed to think that this man Ray Epps, who was wearing a Trump hat and camo gear, urging people into the Capitol, who was pre-positioned at the initial breach site of the Capitol, who had been the president of the Arizona chapter of the Oath Keepers, the most demonized and heavily prosecuted militia group in relation to January 6th, and who infamously texted his nephew that he “orchestrated it” in reference to the events of January 6th, is at the same time the only January 6 participant the New York Times will defend!

Read more at: Revolver.news

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