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Pro-life group’s HQ in Rome attacked by LGBT activists TWICE in 10 days
By Ramon Tomey // Jun 07, 2024

LGBT activists targeted the headquarters of a pro-life organization in Italy for the second time in 10 days.

Pro Vita e Famiglia (PVF) reported that "LGBTQAI+ activists who claimed responsibility for the act on their social networks" vandalized the shutters of its headquarters in the capital Rome on May 30 with threats such as "trans riot," "you will pay" and "we'll not give you peace."

The vandals also put posters on the building's outer walls showing "the Palestinian flag waving over a burning St. Peter's Basilica" alongside the slogan "Queers for Palestine." Moreover, PVF added that the vandals "blacked out the surveillance cameras with red paint."

"[The May 30] attack is the 12th vandalism attack on our headquarters in less than three years, [and] the second in the space of 10 days. It is a real persecution with a worrying escalation of violent and threatening content," PVF wrote on X the day after the incident. "Last May 20, another vandal attack had defaced the shutters of the headquarters with symbols and slogans of the transgender movement."

"The pro-abortion and LGBTQAI+ lobbies have fomented a climate of hatred and intolerance toward those who declare themselves pro-family or pro-life for years, culminating in the attack last Nov. 25 with the launch of an explosive device inside our headquarters," PVF wrote. (Related: Op-ed: Abortion activists reveal their EVIL nature through threats and vandalism.)

"We ask the Italian government to pay particular attention to the climate of growing tension, violence and hostility against [PVF] … and all citizens involved in the pro-life movement."

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PVF's headquarters almost firebombed in November

The attack PVF mentioned in its post pertained to an incident that happened on Nov. 25, 2023. Vandals reportedly attacked the pro-life group's headquarters, smashing windows and lighting fires. Not contented with the damage, the mob even left a homemade explosive device inside the building that fortunately did not explode.

PVF spokesman Jacopo Coghe described the attackers as "feminist activists" who were part of a march in the capital denouncing violence against women. But he noted that after the protest, the activists turned their attention to PVF's offices. The demonstrators "in full war gear" subsequently "threw bottles, stones and smoke bombs; smashed shutters; smashed glass with rods; knocked down cameras; and made several attempts to set fire to the headquarters despite the presence of law enforcement."

Coghe issued a statement hours after the attack, writing: "We are deeply shocked and disturbed by the unprecedented violence of those who surrounded and then stormed our headquarters today during the demonstration against all violence in Rome." He continued that the incident revealed "the true face of transfeminism – an aggressive, violent, dangerous and ideological movement that does not tolerate those who think differently from them and who care nothing about the poor women victims of feminicide."

The group's spokesman also pointed out that the attack on PVF's headquarters represented "an attack on the freedom of all women who do not recognize themselves in the rantings and violence of these movements, the same ones who would claim to enter inside schools to promote respect education courses against violence, bullying, affectivity and sexual education."

Even Italian officials decried the incident. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini both took to X to denounce the attack on PVF's office.

"I don't know how anyone thinks of fighting violence against women by making themselves the protagonists of intolerable acts of violation and intimidation, such as those that occurred on [Nov. 25] against the [PVF]," Meloni wrote. "I want to question everyone on a trivial question: should violence always be condemned or only when it is directed at someone whose ideas we share?"

Meanwhile, Salvini chastised the double standards concerning the attack.

"If [the activists] attack the [Italian General Confederation of Labor] headquarters, there is (rightly) national indignation. [But] if red extremists attack the headquarters of a nonprofit organization that helps and defends families, silence?"

Head over to Intolerance.news for similar stories.

Watch Wisconsin Family Action President Julaine Appling talking about the May 2022 attack on the group's office in Madison, Wisconsin below.

This video is from The New American channel on Brighteon.com.

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