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As Ukraine runs out of soldiers to fight Russia, Europe planning to DRAFT unwilling European youth for large-scale war
By Ethan Huff // Jun 03, 2024

At a meeting this week with European Union (EU) foreign ministers, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó revealed that the next phase of the war in Ukraine will probably involve forcibly drafting European youth from well outside the battle zone to fight Russia.

According to Szijjártó, an exceptionally high number of casualties coupled with troubles in Ukraine recruiting or even finding more bodies to shovel into the war machine means that the globalists now want other European countries to step up to the plate to sacrifice their youth as well.

"Ukrainian casualties are becoming more and more unbearable, Ukrainian men are not being allowed out of Ukraine, and now they want to conscript European youth into the war," Szijjártó is quoted as saying in a statement to the press. "And obviously, as the escalation hits this neighborhood first, one can almost clearly hear the argument that the soldiers should be sent from the geographical proximity first."

"All this means that they want to send Central European youth, including Hungarian youth, to the war with mandatory European conscription."

(Related: Did you know that some Israeli soldiers could be planning a mutiny if the war in Gaza ends before "complete victory" is achieved?)

Hungary tells EU: Keep your hands off our children

To be clear, Szijjártó says he is firmly opposed to the EU's mandatory conscription effort. He told the media and the governments who monitor it that they need to keep their "hands off" central Europeans and Hungarian youth.

"We will not allow Hungarian youth to be involved in the war because this is not our war," Szijjártó said.

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Szijjártó did not disclose which foreign ministers or EU member states are scheming up a mandatory conscription plan, but we know from recent headlines that some countries, including France and several of the Baltic states, are openly considering it.

The left-leaning establishment in Brussels has also spoken about potentially trying to create an EU military force that can be called upon at a moment's notice to do the globalists' bidding by fighting their wars on demand.

"Under such a proposal, a potential conscription effort could arise that applies to all EU member states," reported RMX.news about the idea.

Keep in mind as well that the European Parliament elections are coming up soon. The tension from these topics was palpable at the recent Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) gathering in Brussels.

Szijjártó was at the CFR gathering and described it as a mood turning sour after EU top dogs brought up sending another €6.5 billion (about $7.02 billion) to the Volodymyr Zelensky regime. Szijjártó told the room that this is a bad idea because it will only escalate the war even further.

"And there was a big mess here," Szijjártó said about the response he received to making this suggestion.

"The German, Lithuanian, Irish, Polish and other colleagues fell against me in this matter, but this could not shake our position, despite the shouting of Europe's pro-war politicians. They think that if they shout from many directions, then I will say that it is good, it is fine. However, they should already know us well enough to know this won't happen."

In case you missed it, EU head Ursula von der Leyen also proposed the creating of a mind "vaccine" of sorts that will "shield" the EU "democracy" structure from scrutiny.

Von der Leyen says she is fearful about the spread of "misinformation" and "disinformation" and thus wants to take formidable steps to stop Europeans from speaking freely about "sensitive" issues online.

The latest news about all this can be found at WWIII.news.

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